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Behat tests take over an hour to run

Optimalization of the test code is a key. Shorten, remove or replace any fixed wait states. Try to find hints on technology, you have. For example, use CSS instead of XPath, etc. The Paralelism could ...
Dee's user avatar
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Behat tests take over an hour to run

One good implementation would be using a selenium grid and try multiple test simultaneously. Next would be carefully debug and examine the places where it take lots of time (eg waitings, DB accessing )...
ChathuD's user avatar
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Behat, Java or Python

Behat is an implementation of the Gherkin syntax for PHP. Each language has its own implementation. Pyhton: Java: CucumberJVM or JBehave .Net C#: ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
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Detect unused steps - Behat

One approach is to copy files into a cucumber based project and run cucumber --dry-run -f stepdefs Which will print 'NOT MATCHED BY ANY STEPS' for any non-matches. If you have steps that are only ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar

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