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Variables in jsonpath expression

It's possible to use JMeter Variables (or functions) in JSON Extractor JsonPath expressions, your syntax is simply incorrect (you can check it yourself using Debug Sampler) My expectation is that you ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
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Avoiding a NPE when checking JSON response using JsonPath and Rest Assured

String response =RestAssured.get(""). then().extract().response().asString(); JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(...
PDHide's user avatar
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Getting an error while trying to run a script using Rest-Assured library

Looking at that stracktrace, the regular expression used for the matching is recursing infinitely causing a stackoverflow exception. Your search criteria is likely being translated into a regex ...
anichols's user avatar
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Extract multiple JsonPath values from returned Response using Rest Assured

JsonPath that is used in RestAssured uses the different syntax. Your path would look like cust.findAll{i -> == 'STATUS_ID' || == 'RENEWAL_ID'}.id. Here is the example code: package ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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How to extract a value from a JSON response with Java and Rest-Assured

What you are showing is called a JSON object. Unless you're in JavaScript (that can natively parse JSON data) you can use a jsonpath language that is very similar to xpath (serves for similar purpose)....
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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Rest-assured. Is it possible to extract JSONObject/JSONArray from response json?

Why is this not an option? JsonPath resJson= new JsonPath(response); JsonPath referrenceJson= new JsonPath(jsonTOCompare); Assert.assertEquals(resJson.get("fields"), referrenceJson.get("fields"));
PDHide's user avatar
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