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10 votes

Is it possible to do load testing of java swing application with Jmeter?

From Apache JMeter's website we get this, Ability to load and performance test many different server/protocol types: Web - HTTP, HTTPS SOAP / REST FTP Database via JDBC LDAP Message-oriented ...
IAmMilinPatel's user avatar
8 votes

How to push my JMeter project to Github and run it via pipeline from Jenkins

You will need 3 things in order to run JMeter test in Jenkins: JMeter .jmx script itself Java Runtime JMeter If you have JMeter installed on the machine the minimal pipeline would look like: ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
7 votes

How to load 100 urls as http request in jmeter?

Add Thread Group. Configure it as follows: Number of Threads: whatever you like Loop Count: tick Forever or put -1 Add CSV Data Set Config as a child of the Thread Group and configure it like: ...
Shasak Singh Sengar's user avatar
7 votes

What kind of response codes will I get in JMeter if the AUT reaches its breaking point and eventually the server crashes?

Ideally if you amount of virtual users in 2x times you should get 2x times larger throughput. When your reach saturation point throughput will stop increasing and response time will be growing. In ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
6 votes

Load/stress testing framework for AWS EC2 instances with startup/shutdown?

Before anything, I would recommend you to think about an important point: What is the main purpose behind your test? Try to define your SLO/SLIs first (KPIs). For example if the KPI is "...
masood ghz's user avatar
6 votes

How to enforce run Once Only Controller in Jmeter

As per Once Only Controller documentation: The Once Only Logic Controller tells JMeter to process the controller(s) inside it only once per Thread, and pass over any requests under it during ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
6 votes

Unable to run the JMeter test plan on Ubuntu Server getting an error `NonGUIDriver java.lang.IllegalArgumentException`

It seems that you're using the WebDriver Sampler in your Test Plan and your JMeter installation on Ubuntu doesn't have this plugin installed. The solution is to install the plugin, it can be done ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
5 votes

How to Use Http Request/JSON extractor(using Jmeter Variable) in Jmeter with Response assertion(using Jmeter Variable)

For example you have the following response: And you need to extract John from it. Add JSON Extractor Post Processor Configure it as follows: Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. name JSON ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
5 votes

SoapUI vs Jmeter for webservices

Both fit your requirements so feel free to choose the one you like more. The only area where JMeter is better is running load tests, SoapUI has limited load testing capabilities and reporting (you ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
4 votes

Creating a unique name for .jtl file in command line

On a Windows based system, Open notepad and write the below piece of code in it. C:\ set SAVESTAMP=%DATE:/=-%@%TIME::=-% C:\ set SAVESTAMP=%SAVESTAMP: =% C:\ set SAVESTAMP=%SAVESTAMP:,=.%.jtl ...
IAmMilinPatel's user avatar
4 votes

XML loading Issue with jmx generated by Blazemeter Mobile Recorder

Smart JMX is a converting mechanism which converts the BlazeMeter proxy recording into a JMX while adding further logics, e.g necessary parameterizations as well as token or sessionID extractions etc. ...
BlazeMeter Support's user avatar
4 votes

How to convert LoadRunner scripts to JMeter compatible scripts with least re-work effort?

This tool was released lately. If you upload a ZIP of your LoadRunner script, it will convert it to JMeter or Selenium. It might not be 100%, but it will tell you what it couldn't convert and save ...
Refael's user avatar
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4 votes

How to validate response assertion with XML elements?

I think XPath Assertion would be a better match for XML data, the relevant XPath expression to check whether sampledUrl node text is equal to will be: //sampledUrl/text()=...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
4 votes

Use of Jmeter for api load testing with full workflow

The idea of the load testing is simulating application real usage. Imagine that each JMeter thread is a real user and design your test in this way so each JMeter's virtual user would act like a real ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
4 votes

How to loop through Jmeter request?

Depending on your scenario: You can put your Login request under Once-Only Controller like: Once Only Controller Login Action 1 Action 2 Action 3 You can put Action* requests under Loop ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
4 votes

How do you test, auto-logout after 60 minutes?

Make the time-out configurable by the tests. In a config-file on the test environment, a setting in a database or passed as a parameter in the API calls. Figure it out, because test-suits should be ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
4 votes

How to write regular expression for given text

Try this one: ^trusted\/(.*)\/t$ This will return a string between trusted/ and /t if the original string starts from trusted/ and finishes with /t. Otherwise use just trusted\/(.*)\/t. Check the ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
  • 11.6k
4 votes

How to enforce run Once Only Controller in Jmeter

Please use setupThread group to prepare the test environment say test data configuration or like wise that needs to be executed only once before the testing actually begins. https://www.blazemeter....
Swetha's user avatar
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4 votes

How to load json data in web application UI

You cannot perform a load test from the web browser as browser simply neither has the relevant functionality to conduct high loads nor provides reports containing performance metrics The only ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
4 votes

Different functionality under one scenario

JMeter comes with Throughput Controller therefore you can add 2 Throughput Controllers to your Thread Group and in one specify either 98 total executions for "Save form" scenario or use 98% of app ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

Applications for practicing performance testing from home

The best option will be deploying some free and open source application like Drupal, Magento, Moodle, etc. somewhere to your intranet. This way you will be able not only to get hands on experience ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

How to stop JMeter Thread in case of errors in specific requests (samplers)

If you need to limit this behavior to one request, add a Result Status Action Handler as a child of the request It's in post processor, then if it fails you can configure what happens, e.g. Stop the ...
Joseph Moore's user avatar
3 votes

Getting response code 401 when using protocol https in jmeter

I will suggest you to use latest version of Jmeter i.e. 4.0 in which concept of workbench is eliminated and everything is under Test plan now.Solution of above mentioned problem is to add HTTP Cookie ...
Akshita kohli's user avatar
3 votes

Getting error using JMeter behind a proxy

You need to install CA certificate to the browser If you have installed JMeter then map for folder structure in windows, to find the root ca certificate, please follow the below steps & Choose the ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
3 votes

Running an HTTP request after a few HTTP requests have completed

You can use controllers to fulfill your requirements. Simple Controller (POST request #1) Loop Controller (Follow up requests) define # of times you want to execute inside loop controller Simple ...
TestingWithArif's user avatar
3 votes

How to use jmeter with the perfmon plugin?

You need to run something called agent on the respective server (it is just small Java executable so you will need to have Java Runtime there as well) Once you install and execute the agent on the ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

How can I make a JMeter test that runs until a specific time?

You have 2 options: Change JMeter .jmx file before test runs: Enable "Scheduler" and save your test script. Look for the line like <longProp name="ThreadGroup.end_time">1481608595082</...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

Creating a unique name for .jtl file in command line

JMeter-only solution: Add a Listener of your choice to the test plan and configure to store it whatever you want in a file. Use __time() function as a part of file name to make current timestamp a ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

Jmeter rampup capabilities

Don't ask for answers, get them yourself. Make sure your JMeter configuration is optimal in terms of Java Heap space, Garbage Collector options, test is well-behaved and being run in non-GUI mode. ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
  • 13.6k

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