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13 votes

API test automation: GUI tool vs programmatic approach?

I have had exactly the same assignment earlier this year, for APIs written in C#. Options I have (tried to) build a PoC for were: SoapUI Postman Own framework built in C# using either RestSharp or ...
FDM's user avatar
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What tests to automate in a full stack web application? API vs UI

You should always pick tests carefully when it comes to test automation. :) One of the reasons, as you said, is overlap (and with that, execution time and robustness). An example to clarify: Your API ...
FDM's user avatar
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12 votes

Free sites for testing POST REST API calls?

As this answer on Stackoverflow states. allows you to echo back your request, to see that it does what you expect. this is the list of services It echoes the data used in your ...
JoSSte's user avatar
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8 votes

How to wait for an api request to return a response?

HTTP is a synchronous protocol* so active polling is not an option. You need to wait until client receives response or request times out. There are two ways to constrain synchronous behaviour with ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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7 votes

How to verify response body as a test in postman

As @Mache says, you search for each value. var jsonData = pm.response.json(); pm.test("Verify Json values", function () { pm.expect(; pm.expect(jsonData....
Decypher's user avatar
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6 votes

What tests to automate in a full stack web application? API vs UI

There is no concept of overlapping testcases in different test levels, Both are completely isolated Just because API works fine you cannot guarantee UI works fine. Imagine all your API tests passing ...
PDHide's user avatar
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5 votes

Useful real-world APIs to test against

GitHub is really useful for lists of resources and I came across one yesterday that is a collection of free APIs for use in web development. <- I think you'd be good to test most any of these APIs ...
Chris Kenst's user avatar
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5 votes

Free sites for testing POST REST API calls? it have many collections and examples, you can create a account and fork it and use. or create your own mock server here and learn:
PDHide's user avatar
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5 votes

How to avoid API tests duplicating Unit tests

The tests serve different purposes. Overlap is good. The 'overlap' of higher order tests (such as API) and Unit tests should be high. In fact 100% would be good. Unit tests mock and stub all ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
4 votes

What is the simplest way to rewrite Postman requests to C#

ReSharper is an Visual Studio IDE Plugin for C# by JetBrains. This won't help you much unless you want to write everything from scratch. Postman has the ability to generate code snippets for various ...
beatngu13's user avatar
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4 votes

How to create automation framework for automation of REST APIs?

REST-Assured is one good option. I have used it with Java. It's a really good option and gives you the flexibility to do a lot when it comes to API testing. Refer to the below link for further ...
Aalok's user avatar
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4 votes

Assistance with a DELETE request in Postman

You need to provide token generated create Token API here in header under cookie field. and URL used in not as mentioned in API{bookingID} Please ...
Sid's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the best approach to the REST APIs automation?

A few thoughts: Automation code should be reviewed, so I don't think that's a con Not sure why failing test cases would keep your build from compiling. Even if the test code lives in the same repo ...
ernie's user avatar
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4 votes

What tests to automate in a full stack web application? API vs UI

TL;DR: you will have overlap between E2E and API integration test cases, in terms of the same endpoints being exercised in both and that's OK - it helps you figure out where the problem is if (...when)...
jonrsharpe's user avatar
3 votes

What are the good java Frameworks/Libraries for REST API Automation Testing?

If you are looking to verify JSON response, there is a library called postman-bdd for Postman, which lets you write BDD styled test, using the chai-mocha syntax (but can also be used to write jasmine ...
demouser123's user avatar
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Postman vs writing tests programmatically using curl or related vs unit tests

Let's take a step back and start by asking what are you trying to achieve. Rest API is an API like any other API, hiding behind it a lot or a little. I suppose that in our case there is a whole system ...
Rsf's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best approach to the REST APIs automation?

As with any project, it depends :). That said, (1) and (2) require close coordination with development team. Depending on the team structure it may be a good thing or a bad thing :). I also suspect ...
Dakshinamurthy Karra's user avatar
3 votes

Testing REST api with postman

It depends Some things you may want to consider: Badly formed input - how does the API handle badly formed input? Can you send it something from the Big List of Naughty Strings and get back data you ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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3 votes

Consume POST request data to GET and DEL requests

This what the Postman variables do, Assuming that your response data is: { name: "something" user:{ id:"12" } } in the test script section, add below command let jsonData = JSON....
PDHide's user avatar
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3 votes

Rest API and resources validation from QA perspective

Just to add one more explanation. In REST API, the / indicates a hierarchical relationship between resources. This one rule is already broken when you send a POST req to /api/v1/product/2 and 2 means ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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How can one test the security measures or vulnerability when it comes to API testing?

That's a broad question. I recommend taking one or two resources and start exploring from there. You can find some ideas about API testing here and specifically if you ask about security, you can ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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3 votes

Free sites for testing POST REST API calls? {JSON} Free fake API for testing and prototyping. Powered by JSON Server + LowDB As of Dec 2020, serving ~1.8 billion requests each month.
Michael Durrant's user avatar
3 votes

Free sites for testing POST REST API calls?

Here is a good website for that: You can send POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. They actually store the data which you create via POST. So, if you create an object using POST, you can ...
Antonio's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the good java Frameworks/Libraries for REST API Automation Testing?

Retrofit OkHttp curl command line tool
dzieciou's user avatar
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2 votes

Best practices for rest-assured api automation testing

I don't think that best practices vary just because the underlying technology is rest-assured. We use cucumber to organize our tests. The cucumber steps are written in java. Some of our tests are ...
MikeJRamsey56's user avatar
2 votes

BDD & Rest API automation

Short answer is yes. It is really okay to use bdd tools to automate testing of a Rest API UI testing involves HTML, JavaScript and a DOM. The BDD should describe behavior. Given, When, Then ...
MikeJRamsey56's user avatar
2 votes

API test automation: GUI tool vs programmatic approach?

In a similar case, we went with writing our own very light weight framework. Reasons are: We were not using many of the features of Soap UI, so just to make Restful calls, Soap UI is an overkill The ...
JohnK's user avatar
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2 votes

How to Run Entire Test Plan continuously for multiple Times in JMeter(Not thread group )

Check out Test Fragments and Module Controller test elements. You can define your so called "Thread Groups" as Test Fragments and refer them via Module Controllers orchestrating the test flow and ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
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2 votes

How to store all and multiple response data using setProperty Function in jmeter

I would recommend switching to JSR223 Assertion and Groovy language as: Since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy for scripting Groovy has built-in JSON support so ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I mock a c# restful webservice and test it using java?

How can I using java and something like rest-assured test this API? can I some how mock it to test or do I need to write my automation code in c# in order to do this? The same way you would with a ...
Paul Muir's user avatar
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