I want to include one .jar file which has classes of my core automation framework. I created a "lib" folder in my selenium project and then gave its path in the pom.xml dependency. This Jar file of framework is not a runnable jar. I exported the framework project as a jar and want to use its classes in my project.

However, im not able to use any class/method from that jar(framework) in my test scripts. Am i doing something wrong.

enter image description here

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


This is a very crucial part of automation, especially for parent-child project structure in POM-based automation. I also faced a similar issue when I worked on a project related to data quality testing. We have created a core framework that contains all the actions, drivers, utilities, etc. The purpose was to use this core framework in the automation of multiple projects. When I tried to use this core framework in the automation of the core project, I used the below steps to resolve that.

Let's consider, your Parent project's POM looks like this:


Run mvn clean install in the command prompt on the parent project directory. This will create a jar file of your parent project and place it in the .m2 repository of your user's folder in C drive.

Next Step, open the child's project POM file and add the above jar file as a dependency in it as mentioned below:


Now, you will be able to use all the classes of the parent project in the child project. Hope this information is helpful for you. Thanks!!!!!

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