Currently, I'm using sonarqube to analyse my code. I am trying my project to run in sonar-runner, but its getting execution failure. I'm running in a dirtectory.
Like my project located in cd /var/www/html/projectname/
Inside directory I put and inside the file
sonar.projectKey = qmsadm
sonar.projectName = Qmsadm
sonar.projectVersion = 1.0
sonar.sources = application
In sonar-runner/conf/
sonar.projectKey = qmsadm
sonar.projectName= QmsAdm
sonar.projectVersion = 1.0
sonar.sources = /var/www/html/qmsadm/application
Then I execute
@naveen-Inspiron-3542:/var/www/html/qmsadm$ sonar-runner
terminal :
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total time: 2.583s
Final Memory: 6M/95M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during Sonar runner execution
ERROR: Unable to execute Sonar
ERROR: Caused by: Unable to load component class org.sonar.batch.scan.ProjectLock
ERROR: Caused by: Failed to create work directory
ERROR: Caused by: /var/www/html/qmsadm/./.sonar
ERROR: To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run SonarQube Runner with the -e switch.
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Runner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging