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Capture arguments of onclick() javascript call using Selenium Java

I am writing a selenium script in Java to capture the arguments passed in JavaScript onclick() call/method. Attached is the image in which method/function name is highlighted. Now, In this method ...
Shakeel 's user avatar
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Interview Preparation

How can prepare for quality automation analyst (1 yr exp) interview? Actually this is the final round. They've said like there will be a technical discussion and soft skills with the QA lead and ...
Albin K S's user avatar
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Why can't resolve NaN in Selenium script?

I have recorded some functions using Selenium IDE and exported test into java file. I have used "wait for element visible" condition when performing action in order to assert a notification. ...
Syrus's user avatar
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if/else condition is not working as expected

WebElement radio= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//[@id=\"mydiv\"]/form/div[1]/div[3]/label")); if (radio.isSelected()){ Thread.sleep(2000); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"mydiv\"]/form/...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
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Code can't be executed after running click method

After being run click function , i don't know why but the next sendKeys function can't be executed. eclipse is getting stuck and after a while, i'm facing with "timeout waiting for page to load" error....
santino87's user avatar
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Selenium Webdriver fails to load browser through WebDriverManager

We can run our tests in different browsers in selenium Webdriver, previously we need to executable files to run our test in any browser. But now we can achieve without using exe files & with the ...
jay's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Automate the fields that are text and drop downs. You are not sure that how may fields will be and of which type (text/drop down.)

The situation is that admin sets the Specified fields for the front end user and it is upon admin to decide how many fields he'll set for the user. One thing is that he can only create 2 types of ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I get find element error when I try to click on footer part whole link

My coding logic: List<WebElement> getelement = driver .findElements(By.xpath("//*[@class='footer__content']//a[@class='footer-nav__link']")); WebDriverWait wait=new ...
Jay Pathak's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Automate using selenium Java if data is there in divs and changes every time

just as in the above image there is use of divs and every time the data (image) in that div changes. You are not even sure that how many divs will be therewith respect to row and columns. Kindly ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
-1 votes
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Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: No such element [closed]

Java Code: @Test public void enterApplicationCerdentials(String userName, String password) { WebElement element; WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 100); ...
Champ-Java's user avatar
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Unable to find the element within frame

i cant click the menu named biometric check list. there's total five frames and i started to read it from first index. getting unable to locate an element error. What might be the reason any idea. ...
santino87's user avatar
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1 answer

Java Null pointer exception when trying to click on an element that is present in a block and becomes visible when another element is clicked

I'm trying to click on an element, which is present in a block and the block itself becomes visible, when another element Your Trips is clicked on. I'm able to find the element and click on Your Trips,...
Divya's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

NullPointerException [closed]

I am testing an application using Selenium WebDriver with Java. I am using TestNG framework to develop my test cases. The issue is that I all my test method are throwing Null Pointer Exception and as ...
Simran K's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to interact with web elements with the same ID's?

I have three drop-downs with same ID's and want to click each of them, one by one, but it will click the same element three times. The remaining two elements are failing, but that test case is passed. ...
anjith neerukonda's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Fluent Wait When Finding List WebElements

I have a fluent wait class that works pretty well for locating my page elements, however, when I am locating elements for lists I don't appear to be using the same wait. I currently need to add ...
QAPal's user avatar
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4 answers

Asking behavior change to allow easier testing

I'm a QA engineer (the first and only one in my workplace) and I'm trying to automatize tests using Selenium + Java. I'm working on an application where there is a calendar use to select the user ...
BelovedFool's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to add multiple files in Selenium Web-driver using Java

In automation testing, I have successfully uploaded a single file multiple times using Selenium webDriver, but the project I'm working on now requires multiple file upload at a single time. So, my ...
Dhairya's user avatar
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Not able to Click on the Drop down and wait for element also fail for drop down ID in IFrame with JavaScript

I am unable to click on this dropdown. I tried selecting the dropdown and javascript click and normal click. Waiting for this element to be present also fails. Please provide the solution for the ...
jashan deep's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Getting Null pointer expections " java.lang.NullPointerException "

[RemoteTestNG] detected TestNG version 6.14.3 1553664942228 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" "-marionette" "-foreground" "-no-remote" "-...
Sathish's user avatar
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How to locate a link using page object model after mouse over

When I hover over login text there are list of links, i need to select Infostore using Page Object model approach. I am new to Selenium could any one help. I have the outer HTML for you: <div ...
Ramesh Nanjundappa's user avatar
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4 answers

Selenium Java :- [1553593587.996][SEVERE]: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 10.000 [1553593587.997][WARNING]: screenshot failed, retrying

I am using Selenium 3.14.0 with Java to automate my tests. Until yesterday(25Mar 2018) , everything was up and running fine.In case of any failures , screenshots were taken and embedded successfully. ...
Sjain's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add row elements in selenium webdriver using java?

I have written code like this package testpk; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import java....
chaitra teppad's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add row elements in selenium?

I want to add today's count. I am new to selenium, and am not getting how to add using selenium. Can anyone suggest a solution? This is my code: package testpk; import org.openqa.selenium.By; ...
chaitra teppad's user avatar
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Access to Excel opened by the web application using selenium

I would like to know if it's possible to access an opened Excel (opened by web application during the test and not saved to the PC yet) in test runtime, using java-selenium. I know that Apache POI is ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the correct Xpath for this element?

I need to get the text inside the element and I am using Inner HTML, in Java Selenium but all the xpaths and css selectors written by me, are wrong, can you help me to get the right one please? Also ...
anmoruk15's user avatar
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3 answers

Wait until element is not clickable

I have online text editor page. There are two buttons: "Save" and "Close". "Save" - is clickable, when changes are not saved: <button class="btn save-btn" title="Save content">Save</button&...
Artur's user avatar
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How to close java application after uploading file

I have a test to upload one file and then upload another file. When first file is uploaded, java application is opened: Steps to upload file: - click on upload button - using robot and keyPress, ...
Artur's user avatar
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Using TestNG framework : How to call other class of the methods

Using TestNG framework : How to call other class of the methods I have created one class for login and another class for add customer details. My scenario is: Once user login after add customer ...
devang suthar's user avatar
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Click getting to lower item (under dropdown) instead of dropdown in Selenium

I m trying to click on the dropdown menu item and i am able to select the dropdown and the menu item but instead of clicking on item the click is going to the element right under it. Before the ...
Twinkle Notna's user avatar
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Selenium's execution time increases if a web element is absent on a web page

I have a table on my web page I am trying to automation that contains x number of rows (tr)s and under each (tr), there are a varying number of (td)s. In my flow, I have to check for the existence of ...
Em Revs's user avatar
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Selenium WebDriver issue

I am getting: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Type mismatch: cannot convert from FirefoxDriver to WebDriver" error in the console I have added jars files ...
Albin K S's user avatar
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calling TIS/TSM in non-main thread environment

macOS 10.14.3 Chrome 72.0.3626.96 Chromedriver 2.46 While trying to execute following code I receive an error: import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa....
Artur's user avatar
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Unable to locate element Selenium: Shopify Payment Gateway [closed]

I receive this error whenever I try to click on the Shopify credit card text field. org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 answers

How to find an new element recently added on webpage dynamically after drag and drop in selenium?

Currently I am working on a webpage which has rappid js components. I am trying to achieve dragging and dropping of elements from the palette as seen in the screenshot to the grid. The element I drag ...
user36965's user avatar
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Use Login method before test

I use POM pattern in Selenium tests. To run tests OpCreate and OpEdit, a user should be logged in. I have positive test for Login, but how to run Login every time OpCreate and OpEdit tests are run? ...
Artur's user avatar
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How to get content of an clickable element in Selenium?

Facing issue to read content after clicking an element in Selenium. I have tried with below code: if(webElement2.isDisplayed()) { webElement.explicitWaitToClickElement(4,webElement); ...
user36942's user avatar
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Automation Failures from multiple tests in one CSV file

I inherited a couple dozen automated java tests that write test result failures to individual CSV files. Instead, I'd like to write to one CSV file with separate tabs per test. I haven't found how or ...
kylokyler's user avatar
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Facing Timeout issue while earlier this code was working

import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; public class Test1 { ...
Ashutosh Singh's user avatar
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Selenium exception is reported twice in logs

I am using Cucumber Page Object model to execute my tests. Here is my POM file:- <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>info.cukes</groupId> <artifactId&...
Sjain's user avatar
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How can I find element and insert text on this page?

The problem is that I cannot find and enter the text in the fields <input onkeyup="$('#firstname').val(this.value);" type="text" class="is_required validate form-control" data-validate="isName" id=...
Morris's user avatar
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How to click on Submit button from POP-UP window if submit button is available after scrolling page to down?

I am submitting a form value's through selenium and java. On the form initially I'm searching a product and selecting some values. Then it's showing a pop-up window with scroll to the pop up; see the ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
3 votes
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Selenium UI Tests folder structure

I'm really new here and started writing some UI tests using selenium and testng and wanted to know how do you structure the folders, it is a maven project and using java. I'm putting all the test ...
user avatar
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How to select list items using button in selenium webdriver?

Here is code that I am using firstly I am clicking on the button then the list of items is shown and I try to select from the list but it said that Index=0, Size=0 when I use Xpath. When I use the ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting Nullpointer Exception

While i run this below code i am getting Null pointer exception. import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import ...
Kumaravel K's user avatar
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How to upload file if the browse button is placed in iframe.?

I am trying to upload a file using "sendKeys" on iframe but its always opening Browse window instead of uploading file. following is my code driver.switchTo().frame(3); WebElement UploadElement=...
sunil's user avatar
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Want to test ebay site login without using Xpath

I want to test the Ebay site login, without using Xpath. It is not working, right now. I tried for hours to make this work. Please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. This is what I am ...
Poorna Senani Gamage's user avatar
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While following Page Object Model, how handle Fragments in Android

I was searching over INTERNET, i didn't find solution for this coding puzzle, let say we have listView and each option will return different screens object. Now I need to create a method that on click ...
Ritesh Toppo's user avatar
2 votes
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Object Oriented Programming with Selenium Page Objects

I'm struggling with how to apply inheritance and composition with Java for scraping sample data. App driver: package; import; import java.util....
Thufir's user avatar
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after click on submit button record will added to the table, so how to verify that record is added or not in the table

There is add employee form, so how to verify the record, should I match the all fields of form which display on table or just match the name, also table is dynamic with pagination.
Upkar Singh's user avatar
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Sleeper in Selenium WebDriverWait constructor - what is it for (Java)?

I have checked Selenium documentation and I can see that there are three different WebDriverWait constructors including this (Java): public WebDriverWait(WebDriver driver, java.time....
foxy's user avatar
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