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Not able to see web element when I navigate to page using Automation

I have a web page which displays a new contact creation button. When I try to navigate to a page through automation, I can not see that button. When I login to site manually and navigate to same page, ...
SSPatil's user avatar
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One Tests or Multiple Separate Test Automation BDD

How the system works (UI) Registration Form > Redirect to Another Page with Products (based on the submitted in the registration form) (backend) API will check the validity > Valid or not it ...
wizaiz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to execute multiple selenium java test-scripts with different parameter at one time?

Is there any solutions for executing multiple selenium webdriver java test-scripts having different parameters at one time and get results. If parameter is URLs, then we can test multiple Urls on one ...
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Unable to execute single tc, login then run other application features, right now its running as a suite

I have to execute my test cases as a single as well as a suite, right now its running as a suite but not as a single test case in selenium webdriver: Below is my test which are calling methods present ...
jay's user avatar
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Error while running automated scripts in robot framework

'pybot' is not recognized as an internal or external command I am installing Python, Pip, Robot Framework and its all needed libraries and its working fine. 1) Python, Pip & Robot Framework all ...
Munnam Rajputt's user avatar
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Not able to Click on the Drop down and wait for element also fail for drop down ID in IFrame with JavaScript

I am unable to click on this dropdown. I tried selecting the dropdown and javascript click and normal click. Waiting for this element to be present also fails. Please provide the solution for the ...
jashan deep's user avatar
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2 answers

Error : Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Library/

Team, Trying to install lib which is pre-requisite to run my automation code, observe below error : Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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1 answer

Selenium is not performing Click Action on the Radio Button

Issue: I am trying to perform a click on a radio Button but it is not working it just bypass the step and perform the next step doesn't even give me any error message *Intention is to click on refund ...
shreya_bhatngr's user avatar
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How to get the Indexes of all columns In a Single Row using Selenium WebDriver and C#?

For single web element in that row i got index..for multiple column in a single row how to get the index: IWebElement colelement = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@id='grdBooking']//table//tr/ th[...
user33570's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I implement Extent Reports in my REST assured API testing framework?

I have recently started rest assured to automate APIs. My current framework folder structure has an ApiTestCases class in a folder under src/test/java. I have a testNG suite xml to run the tests. How ...
Rohan Kalia's user avatar
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Selenium Web Page Navigation Bloating Test Case

I am fairly new to automation and am trying to form the basic structure for my company moving forward. I have done some research and am trying to implement POM but am a bit confused over structure and ...
Jonnyboy's user avatar
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Looking for a way to identify tests to deprecate/remove based on code changes [duplicate]

How do companies do this typically? Is there any metadata linkage between test cases and code components covered?
paranoidhb's user avatar
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Advice For Creating POM Test Framework [closed]

I am developing a framework for the popular e-commerce trading website platform (Amazon) – from scratch. I will be starting a new automation testing role, and, I need to get more practice before I ...
user27403's user avatar
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4 answers

Sikuli IDE or Eclipse/JAVA for windows based application?

I am trying to prepare a POC using Sikuli. Can any one suggest me what is the best approach to use Sikuli for a windows based application ? Should I use Java with Eclipse or the Sikuli IDE itself?
user27275's user avatar
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Module Based Testing VS Test Library Architecture Testing Framework

I'm fairly new in the world of test automation frameworks and was researching some of the existing methodologies out there. When I came across Module Based Testing and Test Library Architecture ...
Erik's user avatar
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Maven Java versioning issue [closed]

I am trying to setup jenkins and run build using maven, but I am getting an error, because maven is executing build with java source 1.5. I have mentioned the source and target in pom.xml as 1.7 still ...
Jeevan Bhushetty's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any browser automation tools that support video and audio recording?

I'm searching for a browser automation tool that can record video and audio. Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright do not support audio recording. Puppeteer maybe with puppeteer-stream but I'm not sure ...
Lynob's user avatar
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what is the way that POF working VS POM? and why not using POF?

I looked over here where the Selenium author recommended to not use anymore Page Object Factory but to use SOLID instead. What are the reasons to use these and what is recommended to use in terms of ...
john's user avatar
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Cypress.js : How to change default path for your e2e tests?

in v13.3.0, after you install Cypress.js into your repo, it creates these four default directories: /cypress/e2e /cypress/fixtures /cypress/support /cypress/downloads the first one is where it ...
secretAgent's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the difference between keyword driven and Data driven frameworks in Automation?

I am having problems fully understanding the purpose of keyword driven frameworks compared to data-driven frameworks. What circumstances would make a keyword-driven framework more appropriate for an ...
Richardson's user avatar
-1 votes
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Serenity BDD and RabbitMQ use together

Details Currently we are in the process of integrating RabbitMQ into our stages. I sell here accordingly a test plan through. Currently we use the test framework Serenity and here also for the Api ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Penetration test in a staging environment. When and how much?

We certainly all know the discussion when penetration testing makes sense. In a staging scenario, the test scenario can be interesting to use there to perform a penetration test. And, of course, also ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Two automation tools for GUI automation of single application

We are planning to have two separate automation tools to automate our current application, as tool-1 does not support some critical functions. Integration is difficult between these two tools. Will it ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to connect with Mysql db using Cypress 12?

I want to connect to Mysql DB in the server to delete several records. I have tried using some of the tutorials and answers available. Since all of them are regarding older versions of Cypress, I can'...
Syrus's user avatar
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How to pause test execution in testng

I am using testNG, Rest-Assured and Java for API automation. Is there any way to pause the execution for a specific time if any event/exception occurred?
Prabhudatta Choudhury's user avatar
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java.lang.NullPointerException occured while implementing driver initialization through inheritance

Base class: public class Base { public WebDriver driver ; @BeforeMethod public void initialize() { System.setProperty("", "/Users/apple/eclipse-workspace/Selenium/...
Batu-QA's user avatar
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Is it necessary to have strong coding skills to perform software testing?

I do have a query related to automated software testing.We all know that these days many new test automation tools are being launched. Does this tool still require any coding or scripting knowledge to ...
Prashant Chambakara's user avatar
-2 votes
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Device Farm Vendors I have a meeting with them I need some questions [closed]

Firstly thank you for helping me with the previous question regarding device farm vendors. I have a meeting with AWS next week and I'm stuck in regards to what questions I need to ask them. I know I ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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Testcase Python Request: 405 Error despite not accepting the certificates

Details Currently I have the problem that I cannot accept the certificate on our test page. We use Python requests for our test cases and unittest from Python directly. We have also excluded the ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with [duplicate]

I have used find the element by Xpath in my code, I get the error as ElementNotVisible. <div class="loginBtn"> <input style="width: 59px; height: 20px" id="SubmitCreds" onclick="clkLgn()"...
Vickey Sujey's user avatar
-2 votes
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OWASP ZAP integration into SOAPUI for REST API Testing

One of the topics I am currently working on is the testing of APIs on the security level, e.g. as integration in SOAPUI and OWASP in WSO2. The integration of SOAPUI and WSO2 is set up and also works. ...
Mornon's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What is the best way to automate acceptance testing?

First of all: A royal road and a really correct solution to automate acceptance tests does not yet exist. I am as aware of that as many of you are aware. But is that really so? Is there no way to go? ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How to develop data driven framework using Selenium with C#? Please provide example [closed]

How we can develop data driven framework using Selenium with C# to test the web applications? In your response can you please provide an example?
ASHOK's user avatar
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