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Questions tagged [azure-devops]

Use for questions relating to testing with the Azure Devops platform. This platform is the successor to VSTS/TFS Online and the tag should be used for new questions.

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Can a Test Automation engineer switch to a DevOps profile easily?

I work with Selenium Automation, API testing tools etc but if I want to switch to a DevOps engineer role, then how challenging will it be for a QA to learn all tools? Also, Where does UI automation ...
tony67's user avatar
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As Part of JMeter WEB DRIVER(Selenium Scripts) Integration With Azure Pipeline and how can I add Headless Browser in Azure Pipeline

As Part of JMeter WEB DRIVER(Selenium Scripts) Integration With Azure Pipeline and how can I add Headless Browser in Azure Pipeline. Someone suggested the link is
Bhaskara Reddy Dwarampudi's user avatar