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Specifying and running multiple goals in Maven

I have created a testing framework using Cucumber, Selenium and Maven. I am using the cucumber-jvm-parallel plugin to run my tests in parallel. Below is how my pom.xml looks: <?xml version="1.0" ...
BountyHunter's user avatar
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Unable to run feature files parallel with JUnit 4 and "mvn test" command?

I want to run my 5 Cucumber feature files with "Mvn test" Command parallely. Now, the "mvn test" or 'mvn build" runs fine and maven builds the project, but feature file dont ...
qatester972's user avatar
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How to run multiple Feature files parallelly in Cucumber with TestNG Runner?

I am facing one issue: I need to run 5 feature files that are totally independent of each other, Each feature files logs into a different site. I want 5 different ChromeDriver Browser sessions to open ...
kunaltester2304's user avatar
0 votes
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How to include automation framework jar file dependency in my maven pom.xml?

I want to include one .jar file which has classes of my core automation framework. I created a "lib" folder in my selenium project and then gave its path in the pom.xml dependency. This Jar ...
harry234's user avatar
-1 votes
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Not able to execute Selenium maven automation project using Eclipse Run as "Maven Test"

When i execute my selenium java project using maven test its not executing. its showing me error. Its execute properly when i execute through TestNG.xml file. But its showing error when execute it ...
Kaushal Patel's user avatar