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5 votes

Smoke test vs Sanity test vs Regression test vs Re-Test

As per my understanding article is right. Let's understand the process from the beginning with respect to the timeline. Starting Point: Once the software is ready (hopefully unit & integration ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
4 votes

Smoke testing in production

Just design these after production deployment tests to not interfere with the users. It is not a load-tests and if they are view-only then everything should be alright. If this is the case I cannot ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
3 votes

Do I need to perform smoke testing again before sanity testing for every bug fix?

Smoke and Sanity tests are high level tests intended to main super major bugs like the page doesn't load at all, the URL is incorrect, the link to the main application form is broken. Stuff like that....
Michael Durrant's user avatar
3 votes

Smoke testing in production

It is very important that our application`s smoke scenario should be run in Production environment. These are possible ways : Create your dummy user name , password and healthcare data (which should ...
Sagar007's user avatar
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2 votes

Sequence of testing including Smoke Sanity Functional and Regression

ok, so this question is really broad, but the underlying goal seems consistent in the order of testing within a sprint cycle. I'll try to address that with the understanding that the depth of testing ...
mutt's user avatar
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2 votes

Do I need to perform smoke testing again before sanity testing for every bug fix?

Not necessarily. Smoke testing aims at ensuring that a new build is stable and has not broken some of the existing functionalities. So, you can limit it and decide it's scope on the basis of areas ...
Aalok's user avatar
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2 votes

How to group test cases using regular expression of ng e2e with protractor jasmins3

You may group tests as suites like below: Conf.js suites: { smoke: 'tests/e2e/smoke/*.js', performance: 'tests/e2e/performance/*.js', regression: 'tests/e2e/regression/*.js' ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
2 votes

Do we need to run regression tests if only infrastructure is changed for same code base?

You should perform a risk assessment to decide if it's necessary. If the environment - the hardware, the versions of all dependencies, the configuration of all tools - is identical, then you may find ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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1 vote

How to debug NullPointerException in selenium-java

the exception shown is: FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeMethod setUp java.lang.NullPointerException at com.ecinteractive.base.TestBase.initialization( So from (, ...
PDHide's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to get failed status if script is stopped or element is not clickable getting all test pass

You're not able to get your tests failed because you catch the exceptions which are thrown within your tests. This leads to the situation when all the exceptions which are thrown in your test code ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Please Arrange the type of testing in ascending order in which Tester should Test the application?

Why? Order doesn't make a lot of sense unless you can tell us context please. Also some of those things are not of the same type - you can have smoke tests for Integration testing as well as for ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

Smoke test vs Sanity test vs Regression test vs Re-Test

Confusion is caused by minute differences in terminology which can be mostly ignored in real life. Smoke testing and sanity testing are first manual, quick-and-easy tests you perform, to see if ...
Peter M. - stands for Monica's user avatar

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