Unable to convert Selenium code into Executable Jar
You cannot create an executable jar without a main method.
Reference: Link
How to export single API request with body in Postman so it can be imported
There is no direct option to export a single request from Postman.
You can create and export collections. Here is a link to help with that.
What is the best tool to record web actions and export scripts?
I sadly have to break with the rest and recommend ranorex for actual record and playback. Selenium is fickle and needs a solid framework around it to produce solid tests. The selenium IDE can't ...
What is the best tool to record web actions and export scripts?
Selenium IDE for web (open source) and testcomplete for commercial(paid version)
Appium desktop for mobiles. You can tap and verify whether its working.
Inspector for desktop
Provided you are working ...
What is the best tool to record web actions and export scripts?
Selenium IDE is best record and playback tool for web applications. The new Selenium IDE has many useful feature that makes the tool unique from all the other tools. Here is the blog which explains ...
What is the best tool to record web actions and export scripts?
To test web applications and record it you can use the most used Selenium IDE. It is very easy to learn and documentation is also very precise. You just need to download the extension and than it's ...
How to test export functionality?
I could not open your link.
Coincidentally, I came across a test case recently.
Normally, you should be able to choose which folder you want to download your file to. It is better for you to ...
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