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UI validation bug not reproducible on Dev environment

Let me add my options There are some addons installed or not installed in DEV/QA browser There are networking or routing specific which makes client calls from DEV go to different resources (e.g. ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
  • 11.6k
4 votes

Password field testing, few questions

If you don't have specific requirements you should design test cases based on best practices, best user experience and security. It's not a bug, because it does not behave differently from ...
mdymek's user avatar
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3 votes

How to perform Web Table validation in Selenium automation , particular text is available or not

You want to iterate over the rows of the table and verify if the text you are looking for is present. Once you locate the 'table' element you can do something like this in Java: public boolean ...
Moro's user avatar
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3 votes

Should QA be responsible for XML schema validation testing?

There is no one standard industry "norm" people have to adhere to. Coincidentally, I recently had a XML validation experience myself. As a tester, I was working in an Agile team for 8 weeks. The ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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3 votes

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

As there are to many characters to test them all. You need to think about how many cases you need to safe-guard. I think only two cases are needed to document the behavior one with special ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
3 votes

Equivalence partitioning for decimal number

Your understanding is incomplete and your example is misleading. Equivalence partitioning does not divide inputs into two categories only, e.g. valid and invalid. It can divide inputs into as many ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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2 votes

What elements should I assert for automation of my eCommerce application?

It depends on your testing objectives, the number of verifications you can do to a website is infinite. We have no background knowledge about your project so it is hard for us to understand what "...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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2 votes

Keep a check on 404s

From the testing point of view you can't keep running a test suite to verify if at anytime there is any 404 pages come then it should trigger a mail. 404 error shows when the client was able to ...
Ram Patro's user avatar
2 votes

Password field testing, few questions

Since you don't have guidelines, you would have trouble justifying the behavior of the password field as a bug. That said, I'd suggest you raise a bug and classify it as a security flaw. You can cite ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

calculating minimum test cases for 0-Switch coverage

0-switch coverage is basically the testing for each valid transition. Since you don't have loops, you simply count the number of arrows. 1-switch coverage relates to the number of pairs of valid ...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

When should we use Assert.true() instead of Assert.equals() method in Selenium?

assertEquals will give you more information for example if you compare a and b, it will show which one is bigger. But assertTrue will only show the result, like expected true, found false.
Shawon Barua's user avatar
1 vote

ORM validation and testing

When it comes to ORMs or really anything I am using to model behavior, I aim to create models that are going to protect the system I am writing tests for the most. This usually means I am modeling ...
Steinar121's user avatar
1 vote

Tidy HTML with BaseX

Looks like you are missing TagSoup in your classpath. As it is stated here you should have one to be able to successfully import html format. Since html is often not a well-formed XML, it should be ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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1 vote

How to perform Web Table validation in Selenium automation , particular text is available or not

If all you need to do is check whether a particular string is on a page (in any element/field, as if you would use the "find" function in browser), you can do it in Selenium with Python using XPath ...
user34705's user avatar
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1 vote

UI validation bug not reproducible on Dev environment

There is also option in defect tracking tools for comments by developers. When developer rejects some defect on defect tracking tool, he also mention his or her comments there. You can read that for ...
a Learner's user avatar
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1 vote

Keep a check on 404s

Don't use selenium for something like this, the overhead from carrying a browser with you doesn't benefit you in anyway and just eats up ram. I'm not going into the question if something like this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to massage or format html in order to parse with xmlstarlet?

I think you have to pass it the HTML spec or also it does not understand the format. -N n="" Also see this question for some examples:
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

Should QA be responsible for XML schema validation testing?

I prefer to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission and many companies and managers share this principle although not always admit that openly. If there's something innovative to be tried ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

@Agree to Yu. I will use following approach: We have text If its with special characters we can verify : text.contains("special_char_which_you_wanted_to_chk") When above case 1 failed - Means ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

If you use black-list tests, you will need a number of test cases, e.g. you need to test a name against a known list of special characters, if there is a match, test fails. How about go with a white-...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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1 vote

Error messages on UI for 4xx and 5xx server errors

I have found another solution by using Burp proxy tool that helped me to bypass JS validation on a client, intercept the request that has been sent to the server, alter it and forward back to server. ...
Ellen Seymor's user avatar
1 vote

Error messages on UI for 4xx and 5xx server errors

I would use a freeware tool like loopback to test client-side JavaScript. The error needs to be generated on the server-side so create a toy localhost server to send canned responses back to the ...
MikeJRamsey56's user avatar
1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

Background: We typically call this type of testing (or technique) equivalence class or equivalence class partitioning. In a nutshell equivalence class partitioning means certain groups of input or ...
Chris Kenst's user avatar
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1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

Why don't you try using regular expression. So, Sample regular expression can be: ([v,i,d,e,o,V,I,D,E,O])\w+ One regular expression should identify all combinations. P.S: Regular expression given ...
Mayur's user avatar
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