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4 votes

I have an ETL scenario where my source is Database and Target is flat file. How best can I test it to make bug free?

I would split your question into two parts: What needs to be tested? You have already covered some critical scenarios. Besides these following should also be covered-: -Ensure that all ...
SiriA's user avatar
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3 votes

I have an ETL scenario where my source is Database and Target is flat file. How best can I test it to make bug free?

How complicated is the ETL logic? Are you bringing over every record? Do you transform the data? I would create targeted test data to test the logic itself. Once you know what you know exactly which ...
David Cain's user avatar
3 votes

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

As there are to many characters to test them all. You need to think about how many cases you need to safe-guard. I think only two cases are needed to document the behavior one with special ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
3 votes

JDBC PostProcessor Example in Jmeter for Response assertion

For example, we have the following table: mysql> describe city; +-------------+----------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |...
Dmitri T's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any test data repositories regarding diacritics in text strings?

The Big List of Naughty Strings is another good one - it's not just diacritics, but a whole lot of different unicode strings and a bunch of other strings that are known to cause problems in different ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any test data repositories regarding diacritics in text strings?

A list of data for testing diacritics can be found at
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

ORM validation and testing

When it comes to ORMs or really anything I am using to model behavior, I aim to create models that are going to protect the system I am writing tests for the most. This usually means I am modeling ...
Steinar121's user avatar
1 vote

Testing migrated data vs source data

CSVDiff may help you. Example: CSV A id,name,amount 1,bob,20 2,eva,63 3,sarah,7 4,jeff,19 6,fred,10 CSV B id,name,amount 1,bob,23 3,sarah,7 4,jeff,19 5,mira,81 6,fred,13 Results: csvdiff --...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

Big data application testing

This will depend on a number of factors, including: time/budget, data quality policy of your organization, data quality of the source dataset, complexity of each layer, etc. A general guideline is, ...
Maira Bay's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I compare content in two similar databases?

Liquibase is a tool that offers this kind of functionality among others, assuming you can establish jdbc connections to your databases. There is a diff command that takes the connection parameters of ...
sanastasiadis's user avatar
1 vote

I have an ETL scenario where my source is Database and Target is flat file. How best can I test it to make bug free?

The best way to ensure the completeness and correctness of data is by testing it in SQL. Can you try creating a database on your machine and use import\export wizard in SQL server and import the ...
Aalok's user avatar
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1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

@Agree to Yu. I will use following approach: We have text If its with special characters we can verify : text.contains("special_char_which_you_wanted_to_chk") When above case 1 failed - Means ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

If you use black-list tests, you will need a number of test cases, e.g. you need to test a name against a known list of special characters, if there is a match, test fails. How about go with a white-...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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Error messages on UI for 4xx and 5xx server errors

I have found another solution by using Burp proxy tool that helped me to bypass JS validation on a client, intercept the request that has been sent to the server, alter it and forward back to server. ...
Ellen Seymor's user avatar
1 vote

Error messages on UI for 4xx and 5xx server errors

I would use a freeware tool like loopback to test client-side JavaScript. The error needs to be generated on the server-side so create a toy localhost server to send canned responses back to the ...
MikeJRamsey56's user avatar
1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

Background: We typically call this type of testing (or technique) equivalence class or equivalence class partitioning. In a nutshell equivalence class partitioning means certain groups of input or ...
Chris Kenst's user avatar
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1 vote

Test cases to test 'name without special characters'

Why don't you try using regular expression. So, Sample regular expression can be: ([v,i,d,e,o,V,I,D,E,O])\w+ One regular expression should identify all combinations. P.S: Regular expression given ...
Mayur's user avatar
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