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9 votes

Version controlling for Test Automation code

I believe its a very good practice, In my company we do exactly the same, I assume this is only because of historical reasons (in our case) but in general, you will try to have the smallest number of ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
4 votes

Version Control for Selenium Itself

This is what you use Maven for. Maven manages and downloads your dependencies. Suggest you try to always use the latest stable version of Maven and you should be set. Example pom.xml: <...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
4 votes

Should testers have access to view developers code? What are pros and cons of this?

To answer this, I think it is better to first look into why they have code access restrictions set. The fact that it is financial software is a valid reason. Minimizing risk of a security breach by ...
Eric Formo's user avatar
4 votes

Should testers have access to view developers code? What are pros and cons of this?

In my personal opinions, Pro White box testing is made possible by giving testers access to source code, and comprehensive testing techniques such as MC/DC testing, condition decision testing can ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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3 votes

Testing new features on unreleased branch or current master?

You should make a new branch from master branch anyway. The only changes which might go to the master branch are bugfixes. So the process should look like the following: You make new branch from ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Should testers have access to view developers code? What are pros and cons of this?

Pros If you are testing safety, or other, critical code then your testing requirements will include 100% Code and Decision coverage - this is often impossible to achieve without seeing the actual ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
3 votes

Should testers have access to view developers code? What are pros and cons of this?

Testers having access to the source code and testers doing code reviews are completely separate things. More often than not testers are not that technically competent and also from my experience not ...
tasos's user avatar
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3 votes

Should testers have access to view developers code? What are pros and cons of this?

Ofcourse testers should have access to the code that is being made by the developers. In an Agile development testing should be an parallel activity. If you have dedicated testers they should be ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

What is the recommended practice for maintaining test automation code within version control?

This is completely ok, we did exactly the same for a while. I assume this is for historical reasons (it was in our case)? But in general, you will try to have the smallest number of systems possible. ...
timfredo's user avatar
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2 votes

How to manage versions of JMeter scripts

You should manage you automation scripts like you would any other code. If you use Git for source code management you should use Git to manage your Jmeter scripts as well.
Troy's user avatar
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2 votes

Supporting multiple versions of test scripts

If the statistics are formatted differently you only need to modify how your get_statistics() methods parse their data sources. If the statistics are numerically different, requiring you to set ...
sphennings's user avatar
2 votes

Version controlling for Test Automation code

The big advantage of synchronizing both the source code and the test code version is that you can easily go back in time within your VCS by using tags (see e.g. Git or SVN), allowing you to qickly ...
beatngu13's user avatar
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1 vote

How to handle versioning for multi-sided ( frontend and backend) project?

The main idea of specifying a version of a product in defect description is making dev engineer possible to trace-back the app the is currently under test to the particular commit under version ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
  • 11.6k
1 vote

Version controlling for Test Automation code

Stop using separate branches for your test code. Test automation code is part of the solution, just like the 'real' , product code. The test code will not have its own version. It will have the same ...
mgpmul's user avatar
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1 vote

Version controlling for Test Automation code

In my opinion, a wonderful idea. As the version progresses, it will be necessary to make changes and adjustments so that the actual code of the automation will also increase the number of versions. If ...
G.Guy's user avatar
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1 vote

How to manage versions of JMeter scripts

Yes git is a good option. There is nothing like best, it's totally on you how you are implementing it. There are many other open source version control tools available you can consider: CVS ...
Keshav's user avatar
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