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41 votes

Is there a tool to measure the "maturity" (age) of a code in Git?

I think you can use: It can visualize the amount of code still in use since its conception. This is a graph of the Git codebase itself:
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
12 votes

Is there a tool to measure the "maturity" (age) of a code in Git?

On browsing through the of @Niels van Reijmersdal answer, I found this written in the README Markovtsev Vadim implemented a very similar analysis that claims to be 20%-6x faster than Git of ...
Tejas Shetty's user avatar
9 votes

Version controlling for Test Automation code

I believe its a very good practice, In my company we do exactly the same, I assume this is only because of historical reasons (in our case) but in general, you will try to have the smallest number of ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
8 votes

How to push my JMeter project to Github and run it via pipeline from Jenkins

You will need 3 things in order to run JMeter test in Jenkins: JMeter .jmx script itself Java Runtime JMeter If you have JMeter installed on the machine the minimal pipeline would look like: ...
Dmitri T's user avatar
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6 votes

Maintenance of cucumber features by non-technical people

Is it too much to ask the non-technical staff to get familiar with the basics of your repo management tools? This would have a few benefits: They could keep things simple by using branch, checkout, ...
DtotheK's user avatar
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5 votes

How to share git project to other users

Sharing credentials You should never share your credentials with others. Keep those private. Use the tools provided by git(hub) to give others access to your repository. How to give others access ...
jpjwolli's user avatar
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4 votes

GitHub Desktop:Authentication failed.You may not have permission to access the repository

Step for fix issue: Remove repo from GitHub Desktop Logout from your github account [File > Options] File > Add Local Repository Repository > Repository Settings and change to https URL [Important ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
3 votes

gitignore of Selenium WebDriver TestNG

It should be something like this one (might need some adjustments if you use something other than IntelliJ as your IDE and : # Created by .ignore support plugin ( ### Java template *.class #...
Michal Dobrzycki's user avatar
2 votes

How to setup a testing system for different platforms and different baselines

What kind of automated testing are you doing? Depending on the answer, there may be products that can do this for you (not sure if that's an option, or if you need it all in house). For instance ...
HotDogWater's user avatar
2 votes

Legacy Code Testing with Jenkins on PHP

You will need some steps to get there: Have you repository system to notify Jenkins about the PR. That will depend on your system. GitHub and Bitbucket have system to do it. Build the PR branch. ...
João Farias's user avatar
2 votes

How should I organise my test-pack to allow me to share an stb-tester ONE between multiple projects?

If you've got different test projects you could use different git repos for each, and then push them to the stb-tester ONE depending on which one you're going to be working on. This is straight ...
Will Manley's user avatar
2 votes

How to run a TestNG project located on Github from Jenkins?

I think what you are asking is "How do I get Jenkins to trigger a test run and execute my TestNG tests when updates are merged to Git". Is this correct? If not please clarify. It this is what you are ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

How to manage versions of JMeter scripts

You should manage you automation scripts like you would any other code. If you use Git for source code management you should use Git to manage your Jmeter scripts as well.
Troy's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Maintenance of cucumber features by non-technical people

What is the best way to make the framework maintainable by the functional testers that are no technical people? Cucumber is relatively simple so most folks can pick up the Gherkin step writing pretty ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a tool to measure the "maturity" (age) of a code in Git?

You can check Codacy. This will give some insight about code.
Vimal's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

Is there a tool to measure the "maturity" (age) of a code in Git?

The best tool I know is Codescene
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
2 votes

Version controlling for Test Automation code

The big advantage of synchronizing both the source code and the test code version is that you can easily go back in time within your VCS by using tags (see e.g. Git or SVN), allowing you to qickly ...
beatngu13's user avatar
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2 votes

Change control for test cases

I would strongly recommend a test case management system. Since the teams are using Jira for issue and work management, I'd start by looking at tools that are or can be integrated with Jira - Zephyr, ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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2 votes

error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object while pushing code using Git & GPG keychain

Solution work for me is : Firstly I tried to get details about why this is NOT working. Try below cmd on terminal $ echo "Hello" > test.txt $ gpg --sign --default-key <your-...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
1 vote

Path is wrong while running a job created for GitHub repository using webhook

The line "invalid path 'user/ Postman_Int_Github/postman_collection.json'" implies something is wrong with the path. Try removing the leading blank space (before "Postman_Int_Github&...
Mate Mrše's user avatar
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1 vote

End to End Test cases for code merge approval

Code merge permission is all about getting the code to JBGE (Just barely good enough) quality quickly and that component Integration is not borked. Stick to things that tell you the "factory"...
Conrad B's user avatar
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1 vote

Multiple pull request reviewers from different timezones

The main purpose of code review is learning (yes, cross-validation/static testing is secondary). Considering there no significative difference of knowledge of different parts of the application ...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

Looking for a SAAS with step-by-step test cases + email alert on success + github issue opening on failure

Based on your question I understood you are in need of test case management tool where you can execute the manual test cases on every sanity checks and if the test case fails it has to be logged in ...
Ranjani's user avatar
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1 vote

Version controlling for Test Automation code

Stop using separate branches for your test code. Test automation code is part of the solution, just like the 'real' , product code. The test code will not have its own version. It will have the same ...
mgpmul's user avatar
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1 vote

Version controlling for Test Automation code

In my opinion, a wonderful idea. As the version progresses, it will be necessary to make changes and adjustments so that the actual code of the automation will also increase the number of versions. If ...
G.Guy's user avatar
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1 vote

How to manage versions of JMeter scripts

Yes git is a good option. There is nothing like best, it's totally on you how you are implementing it. There are many other open source version control tools available you can consider: CVS ...
Keshav's user avatar
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1 vote

How to control the deployment of features and branches in test?

There is a major issue with having a lot of branches (and features) waiting for approval by clients. Mainly if clients do not test immediately and accept the work, the branches will not be merged into ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

How to control the deployment of features and branches in test?

I would suggest that you do not use git feature branches for this and instead build this functionality into the application itself. For controlling deployment you should be using tools such as ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar

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