I got a job to do load testing on database. The problem is I have 3 queries that need to run one after another to get the result as below sequence.
UPDATE db_swim_dev.ios_upgrade_css_site_selection SET pre_check='PROCESSING' WHERE id='Dynamic Value need to fetch from CSV';
INSERT INTO db_swim_dev.tbl_ios_css_checks (id, hostname, r0_state, r1_state, device_type, version, issu_ready, licence_advancedmetroipaccess, licence_status, device_model, software_state, cust_special, power_state, fan_state, output, ios_image_update, job_id, site_master_id, rcount, mmcblk0) VALUES ('', 'dynamic value need to fetch from CSV', '', '', '920o', 'V156_2_SP_SR680887239_8', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'a:3:{s:11:\"device_type\";s:4:\"920o\";s:14:\"licence_status\";i:1;s:7:\"mmcblk0\";i:0;}', '0', '246', '19442', '0', '0');
UPDATE db_swim_dev.ios_upgrade_css_site_selection SET pre_check='FAILED' WHERE id='Dynamic value need to fetch from CSV';
I am not sure how to do that. I tried to run all the queries together getting an error. If anyone has encountered the same scenario please let me know how to make this work.