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5 votes

How much C# should I learn in order to work with CodedUI?

If you are concerned about learning too much, you are doing it WRONG. The more you learn, the easier it will be for you to solve common problems. We are getting questions DAILY here which would be ...
Peter M. - stands for Monica's user avatar
3 votes

What techniques can I use to determine the reasons for intermittent automated UI test failures?

My personal opinions: Trying to analyse the testing environment closely, identify as many variables that may have effect on testing results as possible Invite fresh eyes to aid you during this ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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3 votes

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException when I run the selenium code by using a loop

Always use the explicit wait to let the webelement get loaded before performing any execution on it. A very common method used for the wait is as follows. /* Initialize the WebDriverWait, with 30 ...
Alok's user avatar
  • 760
2 votes

How to apply POM to single window application using CodedUI

I think Martin Fowler's definition of Page Objects is really helpful: Despite the term "page" object, these objects shouldn't usually be built for each page, but rather for the significant elements ...
Ross Aubrey-Smith's user avatar
2 votes

How to apply POM to single window application using CodedUI

Of course you can use the WOM/POM. You need to consider DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and Single Responsibility/Ownership (Each function is owned by exactly one object, and is the sole responsibility of ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use .xlsx Excel files as Data Source for Coded UI test?

Here is the Attributes: Data Source Types and Attributes Excel, ".xlsx" format [DataSource("System.Data.Odbc", "Dsn=Excel Files;Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};dbq=|DataDirectory|\\data....
hxin's user avatar
  • 523
2 votes

Cast UITestControl to AutomationElement

I just came across this myself. You should be able to simply use the following: AutomationElement ae = u.NativeElement as AutomationElement; But be careful to reference the correct assembly in your ...
Smytheagain's user avatar
2 votes

CodedUI vs. UI Automation

Seems Coded-UI does use UIA underneath, but also some other technology. Coded-UI test is a Record & Play automation tool which uses the Microsoft UIA Library underneath. Since being a tool ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

Coded UI selecting a Check box inner

Not sure what AutomationService.SelectCheckbox call is in your code but I have used the following code to select a CheckBox and has always worked for me: ((HtmlCheckBox)object).Checked = true;
Garry's user avatar
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2 votes

How much C# should I learn in order to work with CodedUI?

I think the basic level of coding skills will be sufficient however, I would completely avoid the record-and-playback/generated code approach in Coded UI. I also recently switched from UFT (VB ...
Garry's user avatar
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2 votes

Automated UI Testing Tools for UWP Win10 Touchscreen Tablet Mobile Apps

Option #1: Perfecto has expanded on its Appium extension with the ability to develop and execute Appium test automation on Windows 10 native apps. Perfecto now supports WinAppDriver, the equivalent ...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
2 votes

Automation Testing Tool Options for Desktop Applications

I have experience with Sikuli, TestComplete, and have evaluated Ranorex. TestComplete and Ranorex are about the same price range. Of the two, I was able to get TestComplete to interact with my AUT ...
Jerry Penner's user avatar
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2 votes

Automation Testing Tool Options for Desktop Applications

Since you rule out tools that are limited to Windows GUI you seem to be in need for a multi-platform tool. Maybe even a tool that can deal with non-standard UI controls. In case your application ...
Harri's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes

Coded UI - How write code to use existing browser (if exists) otherwise launch new browser window

First get the browser window process. public static Process proc = null; [ClassInitialize] public void ClassInitialize(TestContext context) { Playback.Initialize(); BrowserWindow _bw = ...
user28459's user avatar
1 vote

How to run codedUI test on visual studio build pipeline

I think you should use the Coded UI launch methods instead of starting the application with Windows. I think the might not launch the test in an interaction desktop. Code example, ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

Coded UI automation not working in Chrome

You can add the disable-gpu option via ChromeOptions: ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.addArgument("disable-gpu"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Shamanth's user avatar
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1 vote

Video / Screen Capture based testing tool?

Jing, SnagIt are good for screenshots and videos. Coded UI is good for making tickets to document test cases.
newsn31's user avatar
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1 vote

Coded UI not able to recognize menu items

It is clear from the Exception that Coded UI is unable to find the control. Whereas objects in a web page can have browser window as the parent but for WPF application you need to specify the object ...
Garry's user avatar
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1 vote

How much C# should I learn in order to work with CodedUI?

CodedUI generates code with record and playback. Most C# you will need is to change that code. I would handcode CodedUI tests and use the recorded as a helper for ideas how you can reach and interact ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

Creating abstract test in Intern js

I am not that much familiar with intern.js. But I've worked in - with Mocha. In that, achieved the abstract tests by created custom modules for the commonly used functions(for example, ...
Bhavani's user avatar
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1 vote

How to give multiple Class names with or condition in Coded UI search properties

you could use the FilterProperties if it is supported by the technology you use to find your control. FilterProperties works as a "Or" when SearchProperties works as a "And". The code should be: ...
TheBugHunter's user avatar
1 vote

For Test Scripts , Coded UI Option not available in Visual studio 2015

You need to have Visual Studio Enterprise Edition See and differences between Professional and Enterprise versions
Girish's user avatar
  • 136
1 vote

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException when I run the selenium code by using a loop

I'm getting an Exception as below ,when i run the selenium code by using a loop Agree with Keshav, You missed to "logout" before next login attempt. Add or implement logout step to be back on ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
1 vote

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException when I run the selenium code by using a loop

import org.testng.Assert; // Importing Assert class from TestNG library public class LoginPage { static WebDriver driver; String expectedurl = ""; @BeforeClass public static void ...
Rutvi Soni's user avatar
1 vote

org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException when I run the selenium code by using a loop

As per your code, you have already logged in that's why in second loop you can't find the"user") element. Before ending the loop logout from the application and just after starting the loop ...
Keshav's user avatar
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1 vote

What techniques can I use to determine the reasons for intermittent automated UI test failures?

screenshot on failure. I had a problem where I was actually on a completely different page than I was expecting because of overlapping elements when I clicked a link. A screenshot can give really good ...
David Cain's user avatar

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