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9 votes

API Testing tools in C#

You can use the combination of any unit testing framework (like NUnit, MSTest, XUnit) with additional nuget packages for the work with REST API itself RestSharp ( Probably the ...
501NotImplemented's user avatar
6 votes

API Testing tools in C#

Writing an API test in Visual Studio can be done with: NUnit or MSTest as your Test Runner ** NUnit and the TestAdapter are available on Nuget An http client, like .Net's HttpClient ** This is in the ...
kirbycope's user avatar
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5 votes

Selenium C# - How to wait with WebDriverWait using the element as parameter instead of a locator?

The easiest way is to create your own ExpectedConditions class with methods accepting a WebElement as parameter, for example: Wait.Until(MyConditions.ElementIsVisible(element)); With the ...
FDM's user avatar
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4 votes

Parallel Execution in Selenium with Visual Studio

Disclaimer: the answer is assuming you're using the MsTest unit test framework. Solution 1 The easiest way to run parallel tests is simply to activate this flag here: An important note here: this ...
FDM's user avatar
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What are the differences between Microsoft Test Manager MTM, Team Foundation Server TFS & Visual Studio Test Professional VSTS?

If you are a programmer you need Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise which is $5,999/user/first year and includes Team Foundation Server online access & Microsoft Test Manager stand alone app. ...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
3 votes

What are the Differences in Test Management with TFS vs MTM for 2017 vs 2012?

A lot. The last I heard, MTM will be deprecated once the test-specific functionality of the TFS web portal is available. Create backlog items (in TFS) - the UI is a lot better, and there's been a ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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3 votes

How To Move Test Explorer Window To Vertical Bar In Visual Studio 2015

Just drag the tab (the bit that has the words "Test explorer") towards the middle of the window. As you drag it, expect to see a wireframe of possible locations and drag the tab to the wanted place in ...
AdrianHHH's user avatar
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3 votes

Selenium Webdriver: Finding elements and contents in deep structures

In order to find the specific h2 tag you are trying to locate you can find them in below ways: Through name as an element locator. Using relative xpath syntax is : //tagname[@attribute="value"] ...
Bharadwaj Pendyala's user avatar
3 votes

Javascript : click() method doesn't click the link

You can use XPath, linkText or className to locate your Link object. By XPath: driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[@title='This is test']")); By linkText: driver.findElement(By.linkText("TestLink"))...
Bharat Mane's user avatar
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3 votes

TFS Selenium C# Visual Studio 2017

First up, your boss is going to want to see this information in a convenient form. TFS allows this without much extra work on your part. Pro You can use TFS (if it's a recent enough version) to set ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

VS 2015: Selenium webdriver reference isn't found

The project reference for "WebdirverTest" in the UnitTest project's references does not include any libraries that are in "WebdirverTest", it only includes references to classes within that project. ...
kirbycope's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use .xlsx Excel files as Data Source for Coded UI test?

Here is the Attributes: Data Source Types and Attributes Excel, ".xlsx" format [DataSource("System.Data.Odbc", "Dsn=Excel Files;Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};dbq=|DataDirectory|\\data....
hxin's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get test results data to members of my team that don't have a Visual Studio License?

Visual Studio offers a lot of different ways to grab the summary information from the application and paste it into other microsoft programs like excel/word. I would recommend going to Paste into word ...
DEnumber50's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the max user load that can be taken by VS 2013 for a load test

It depends. VS2013 does not place any limits on the number of virtual users. That said, there are trade-offs. You may want to use distributed load tests if: Your application or the test processing ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

C# Selenium - How to write a conditional statement with multiple elements/xpaths

I am not a C# guy, I can help you with a basic idea how you can achieve this with pseudo-code, then you can translate the same in C#. Add all the check boxes to list. Loop thru the list to check ...
Kshetra Mohan Prusty's user avatar
2 votes

Selenium with C#

The standard package manager for C# / .Net is NuGet More details on the setup and management process for Visual Studio here.
João Farias's user avatar
2 votes

Running sql query via automation tests in Visual studio vs SQL server management studio returns different results

I was able to resolve this by embedding a CAST(expression as varchar(max)) in my sql query and then run the query via automation test in visual studio.
VSD's user avatar
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How to get Visual Studio to break on Selenium Exceptions?

VS lists the exceptions from the CLR or the languages that are supported by IDE. Selenium is a 3rd party library and therefore is not present there. In short - you can't manually add it to the IDE ...
501NotImplemented's user avatar
2 votes

Install Microsoft Test Manager Tool only

Microsoft Test Manager isn't part of the free Visual Studio Community edition and has to be paid for. It also isn't part of Visual Studio 2019 anymore. Seems Microsoft decided moving test case ...
Bouke's user avatar
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2 votes

XUnit test standard output gets truncated on Visual Studio

You need to add an Environment Variable to the machine you are running the tests on. The variable name is _TestExplorer_TestResultMessageMaxLength_ and set the value to however many characters you ...
LightningRider's user avatar
2 votes

Getting "element not interactable: element not interactable" error when trying to upload file using Webdriver.IO

Changing the method from "setValue" to "addValue" helped me resolve the issue. await fileUpload_var.addValue(remoteFilePath)
Seema Nair's user avatar
1 vote

What are the Differences in Test Management with TFS vs MTM for 2017 vs 2012?

Microsoft now recommends using the Online TFS Test Hub over Microsoft Test Manager Stand Alone Client for all test management requirements as they’ve been slowly moving all the features from the ...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
1 vote

Creating A Folder In Visual Studio 2015 Adds It As A Sub-Folder Of An Existing Folder

NewFolder1 folder is not created as sub-folder of menu folder, Visual Studio just alphabetically sorts it. If VS would create NewFolder1 as sub-folder of menu, you wont' be able to see it unless menu ...
Tired Of Testing's user avatar
1 vote

How can I test iOS & Android mobile applications using Microsoft Visual Studio?

Option #1: Microsoft Visual Studio App Center Test is a test automation service for native and hybrid mobile apps, also known as Test Cloud. Tests written using supported frameworks can be run with ...
Brian McCarthy's user avatar
1 vote

Tests are not running in order

VSTS builds and test runs will not run tests in a specific order unless you create Ordered Tests in your test suite. If your Visual Studio Online subscription doesn't include Ordered Tests, you may ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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1 vote

IP Addresses of agents used when load testing

This answer doesn't directly get it with the load testing tools, but an alternate method. Utilize logging to pull logs from each server and set the destination for the logging to an external location....
mutt's user avatar
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Unable to run tests for Appium on Visual Studio 2015 due to Timeout

I downloaded HAXM installer from intel and used the Google APIs Intel Atom (x86). This seemed to resolve my issue.
Marj's user avatar
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Selenium in VS 2015/C#: Problems with ordered unit test

UPDATE to account for updates to the question: This is a function of the way Microsoft test suites work (there is more information available at
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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VSTS 2012 Load/Web Test: Transactions not showing up in the tables tab (Empty table)

Unfortunately, if the table is empty then the data for that table is unlike to be recoverable. You could look in the database and see if one of the tables has the data. The transaction table will ...
AdrianHHH's user avatar
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1 vote

Selenium Webdriver: Finding elements and contents in deep structures

There are multiple ways - You can choose one of the below. Use Firebug, which will help you in finding xpath quickly. Check the static value in parent nodes, and traverse through it. If the xpath is ...
mashkurm's user avatar

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