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5 votes

How to share git project to other users

Sharing credentials You should never share your credentials with others. Keep those private. Use the tools provided by git(hub) to give others access to your repository. How to give others access ...
jpjwolli's user avatar
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4 votes

"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" : A JNI error has occurred

Understand - Cause why this occur Any of your file is present at the compile time but its not reachable at the execution time You need to crosscheck both compile time and run time environment & ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
4 votes

I was asked this question in interview on test automation

The purpose of using any test automation tool is to fail when the assertion fails. However, how you write your tests also matter. It's recommended when writing tests to use the FIRST principle. FIRST ...
Lee Jensen's user avatar
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3 votes

Selenium Webdriver | Python (Tumblr) : Cannot access element ID after posting

The message Element <div class="tab iconic tab_nav_account " id="account_button">...</div> is not clickable at point (924, 28). Other element would receive the click: <div class="v-...
Dee's user avatar
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3 votes

Robot framework not picking up keyword implementation

A few corrections which will not directly solve the issues you're facing, but will put you in the right direction. About your robotframework source: The settings names are actually Test Setup and ...
Todor Minakov's user avatar
3 votes

How to perform databse testing in selenium webdriver

Selenium is used for automating user-browser interaction with the HTML and Javascript on websites. It does not have any functionality to test databases other than indirectly through web applications ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
3 votes

How to run testcases on one browser

Define the webdriver at the class level and then call the same webdriver instance on each and every test method.
ChathuD's user avatar
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3 votes

Python expected an intended block error if/else

You seem to have "else" twice near the end of the code snippet. On some other things that I would change: You call time.sleep() twice at the start of the code, one right just after the other Remove ...
user34705's user avatar
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2 votes

TestNG Report display Blank

As per your configuration link that provided in comment , There is step num 3 is missed. Please update testng.xml to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "testng....
Sagar007's user avatar
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2 votes

Problem with Selenium configuration in Eclipse

You are initializing chrome in a wrong way. In your code you have maximized browser and called the URL, before even setting up the chrome profile. You can give a try to below code: System.setProperty(...
Keshav's user avatar
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2 votes

I want to know working of sonarqube

Here is the step-by-step procedure to perform the scenario: Setup a Jenkins server if already not using. Goto plugin-manager of Jenkins to install “SonarQube Plugin”. Goto “System-configuration” of ...
prinz's user avatar
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2 votes

Robot framework with java: where to put browser driver path?

I actually found out how to do it: I created a .java file within src/main/java/mycompany and added a method that sets up the property: package mycompany; public class Setup { public void ...
Floella's user avatar
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2 votes

Chrome browser is not open in selenium using linux

Possible error : Old configurations Already chromedriver process is open and occupied port Solution : 1. Use latest files : Java 8 Selenium 3.4.0 (Latest one) Chromedriver (Latest one) Note : ...
Sagar007's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference of using JAR Files and Maven

Not a big difference. When you add JARS in eclipse build path you have to find those jars in the network, download the proper version, place them on your hard drive, set up the config in Eclipse. ...
Alexey R.'s user avatar
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2 votes

findElement is not working in Appium on Android

The Issue was related to the JAR files compatibility among them. After using following versions jar viz gson-2.8.2.jar java-client-5.0.3.jar junit-4.12.jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.3.jar It ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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2 votes

How to run selenium-cucumber eclipse project through command prompt

Well at last the Issue is been resolved. All I have did is in eclipse, just renaming the file "TestRunner" to "TestRunnerTest". Command Line: java -cp "E:\Workspace2\AP\Jars\*;E:\Workspace2\AP\bin" ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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2 votes

How to perform QA when dev provided no deliverables?

When testing objectives are unclear (and often even if they are) I go to our generally accepted standards: Have cases for the following types of tests and tag them accordingly Smoke - basic page ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes

How to pass the data provider data when page factory method is applied

If I have understood your question correctly, then following are the changes that you need to do: 1. The method setfirstname is not a Test method, so remove the @Test annotation. 2. The method valid ...
Shamanth's user avatar
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2 votes

Cucumber sentence autocomplete

An autocomplete would come against Cucumber's goal of creating a shared vocabulary. When the Three Amigos come to work on a new feature and its scenarios, they would develop this vocabulary, which ...
João Farias's user avatar
2 votes

Eclipse and RED (Robot Editor) won't open files in Robot project - NullPointerException

I should read more before asking questions. I've looked into RED open issues on github, and there's this thread: Imposible to open robot file after update. That's very similar (or the same) to my ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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2 votes

Best model/design technique for test scripts

What's the purpose of the most advanced/the best/...? You should be more concerned about how well you test, not that much about the best/the most advanced etc. Sure, there are good and bad approaches, ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom Framework for Writing a Test that Reads a CSV File into a HashMap

I think your biggest issue here, while not strictly test related, is your understanding of what the code you've written does (versus what it is supposed to do). What your code currently does If your ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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1 vote

Dynamic ID locating element

I would use the following xpath, assuming your webdriver is called "driver" WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@aria-label='Show Calendar']")); The idea is to try to locate an ...
Bill Hileman's user avatar
1 vote

Getting issue regarding to get selector in the selenium web driver

Without the full DOM structure, I would guess by the UI: Probably there is a root where the two button elements derive uniquely. Some common node └── ├── Image Node ├── Image tag ...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

How to run selenium-cucumber eclipse project through command prompt

The --glue should point to the java package in which your glue code resides. Which in your case, based on the above screenshots, should be “--glue stepDefinition” One other important aspect is that ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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1 vote

How to run selenium-cucumber eclipse project through command prompt

The steps look good so perhaps it is not finding / using the step definition file. Maybe the part from the instructions about: "Your feature files can be added to the end of the command line: $ ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to import packages while intializing java classes

I think some problems right here are following: You are trying to use constructor of the class WebDriverWait to behave as a method of waiting for 5 seconds for some action. This won't work. There is ...
Tired Of Testing's user avatar
1 vote

Displays error while select radio button in selenium

As I understand from this stack trace it is issue of Element is not clickable. For this exception, following problem : Page is not loaded properly. So you need to wait for page and all ...
Sagar007's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is there no Gauge plugin version for Eclipse IDE

No, each "product" has their on version numbers. So each plugin/package being separate from the standard IDE means it has a different number scheme. You need to check the release notes for the ...
mutt's user avatar
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1 vote

Robot framework with java: where to put browser driver path?

set up a environment variable like this: Set Environment Variable C:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe
Parul Bhargava's user avatar

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