Should I be using WebDriverFacade or WebDriver or PageObject?
They are two different design patterns.
A Facade is meant to make the interface to a library or set of objects simpler. It wraps in simpler methods complex behavior or "outdated" style of ...
How do I create a BaseClass that adds logging messages?
You should not implement WebElementFacade. Selenium supplies EventFiringWebDriver for such purpose. Using it you can add actions to take before and/or after any method WebDriver or WebElement provides....
Serenity BDD and RabbitMQ use together
I don't think anything exists out of the box. You will probably need to write some steps that use a RabbitMQ client (amqp-client) to check if there are events on the queue etc...
Cucumber with and without Rest - Assured. What are the advantages?
1 - Sure.
Cucumber is a test runner. The goal of this kind of tool is only to execute a suite with certain structure is a certain way.
Cucumber manages the execution of certain methods according to ...
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