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13 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

If the product is at the MVP stage and your QA is just getting started, there's a problem. As a BA I saw this time and time again with dev vs QA where the dev team only got the BA to do testing when ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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11 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

Are you aware that “70 to 85% of bugs in software are due to incomplete or inaccurate functional requirements?” "There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
6 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

Although all observations are valid, from a project point of view, I am missing the motivational and learning point of view. Starting some automation now can also be part of the learning of that ...
Ray Oei's user avatar
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4 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

I agree that it may be too early for much automation. But there is still a lot QA can bring to the project to help it be successful at this stage. If it were me on the project, along with learning ...
CKlein's user avatar
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4 votes

What is End-to-End Testing

A test can be both an end-to-end test and a regression test. The term "end-to-end testing" describes the scope of the test. End-to-end testing simulates real-world user scenarios and ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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3 votes

Pros and cons of using database dump in autotesting?

I definitely understand the want to do it through the UI. Seems so much easier. I think that you're on the right track though to start doing it with the UI. The data will be much closer to what you ...
Lyndon Vrooman's user avatar
3 votes

How to make a variable in `protractor.conf.js` available in spec file?

Issue fixed... solution is: params: { myVariable: function () { ... ... }, otherProperty: 'Value' } and this how you can reach in spec files: browser.params.myVariable ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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Writing different tests for different environments

if it makes sense to write some environment-specific tests ? Absolutely! This is also frequently the job of smoke tests which basically assert that the latest deployment was successfull with very ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
3 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

note: I assume you are CTO or similar role or the "boss" for QA stuff In order to clarify my "idea" of QA during project/product development, I've write down following workflow as example: ...
Vokail's user avatar
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3 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

It sounds like you're on the right lines already but, in addition to going through the requirements and getting familiarised with the roadmap, it's definitely worth getting him to exploratory test the ...
dvniel's user avatar
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How can I measure the coverage of my E2E tests?

Michael Bolton proposes testing coverage as: “X coverage is how thoroughly we have examined the product with respect to some model of X”. And he completes: "Test coverage, like quality, is not ...
João Farias's user avatar
3 votes

How can I measure the coverage of my E2E tests?

I am afraid there is no good enough answer for that. There are tools and methods but they all have major disadvantages that the people you report to should be aware of. Test coverage, how many tests/...
Rsf's user avatar
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2 votes

How to best prepare for automating e2e tests?

First of all, e2e tests tend to be brittle due to many steps that can go wrong. That's why you should limit the number of e2e tests (and UI tests in general). Always remember you want to have a test ...
Mate Mrše's user avatar
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How to best prepare for automating e2e tests?

If Agile environment: I recommend you combine two things: Guidance from the Agile Test Pyramid and Agile Testing Quadrants This makes sure you have a small number of e2e tests which is hard to do ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes

How should I perform an E2E test for a report that updates only once per day?

We have a lot of this kind of report where I work. Our developers provide the following in order to test them on Dev/test servers: A webpage that allows the report update/generation task to be run. ...
anonygoose's user avatar
2 votes

Transition from selenium to protractor - worth it?

I totally had the same experience as you. For a new angular project i looked into protractor as the recommended way but then just risked using java + selenium because, as you, i found that the ...
globalworming's user avatar
2 votes

How to tell protractor to wait for each command for 3 seconds

I think you can use the implicitlyWait option, although it has been removed from the Protractor documentation: onPrepare: function(){ browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(3000); }, Code ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

I think it's a good time to ask questions about how you're defining quality for the app (ie, how quick it needs to be, how accessible it needs to be, supported browsers) I've also found that test ...
LeLetter's user avatar
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Accepted - Use selector to get all grand children?

The implementation of webdriverIo is slightly different from selenium. In webdriverIO $('table').$$('td') will check for direct child 'td under 'table', and as td is not a direct child it won't ...
PDHide's user avatar
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Is Nested Describes Acceptable For The Purpose Of Readability?

The purpose of describe is to allow BDD format: describe('Given user logins', () => { describe('Given user Selects payment', () => { describe('Given user clicks pay', () => { ...
PDHide's user avatar
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How can I measure the coverage of my E2E tests?

I might be late to answer. If you are looking specifically for coverage while using Cypress for E2E, you can check this doc: Here ...
vicky99's user avatar
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Shall I put my e2e tests and performance test frameworks on the same repository?

The answer is, it depends. It would be helpful to know more information on the makeup of your team/organization. How many people do dev work, QA work, DevOps work? How many team members and the setup ...
Lee Jensen's user avatar
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Tools for microservice E2E automation testing

Microservice testing: Microservice testing is same as any other API testing with a advantage that there is a contract defined for each endpoint meaning an expected output for an expected input, ...
PDHide's user avatar
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1 vote

Pros and cons of using database dump in autotesting?

Why not just stub out the database and deal only with Entities? Databases are details which you can: (1) - Check behavior independently; (2) - Isolate your use cases from. If you want to set up a ...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

How to tell protractor to wait for each command for 3 seconds

No, You should NOT use static waits, it is a bad practice. Instead...Read below Disclaimer : I am an actual Protractor SDET, who has been using Protractor from last couple of years in actual Large ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
1 vote

Protractor- switch from non- angular to angular

You can use browser.ignoreSynchronization=true entirely for angular/non-angular pages and use your own wait mechanism using ExpectedConditions to handle elements. Either way is using driver methods ...
Mitul Lakhani's user avatar
1 vote

How to enter acceptable fake data to login page which is tests using protractor?

Config file has a params option: Based on "The params object will be passed directly to the Protractor instance, and can be accessed ...
return's user avatar
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1 vote

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

I think you have made your QA engineer work on the right thing at the moment. As you said the project is going through extensive changes, I would suggest you put your QA engineer to handle tasks ...
Kanika Vatsyayan's user avatar
1 vote

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

Lay a foundation for quality "For the moment, we are asking the QA engineer to go through customer business requirements and to validate the existing functionality against them as well as ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

Need to discuss, the concern team members Business Analyst, Developer, Testing member about the project scope. One idea will be generated how to go into for testing. Also preparing self document ( ...
Mohammad Hussain's user avatar

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