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Rsf's user avatar
Rsf's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Sweden
20 votes

Why do many jobs describe automation but then require extensive manual testing?

16 votes

How can I find the weakness of our "Quality Assurance Process"?

16 votes

Testing using real data of the customer

11 votes

If a problem only occurs randomly once in every N times on average, how many tests do I have to perform to be certain that it's now fixed?

10 votes

Mobile automation: Boss wants 100% coverage. How feasible is that?

10 votes

Do you still need a Test Plan when adopting Continuous Delivery?

8 votes

User reports a bug, send it to QA first or Programmer first?

8 votes

Test for unknown issues

8 votes

How to test a location based application

8 votes

Software Testing as a career path? Becoming a test architect

7 votes

What to do when a bug is fixed, unfixed and fixed

7 votes

What would be the strategy when too many bugs are found in the final round of testing?

7 votes

How do I execute/test a large set of test cases with limited time and resources?

7 votes

What's the difference between integration and contract testing of microservices?

6 votes

Tips to test product in the production environment?

6 votes

Is this a good re-testing strategy for Katalon Studio?

6 votes

What are some good thinking tools that a tester can use to generate ideas?

6 votes

Is retrying failed tests good strategy to handle flaky tests?

5 votes

How to respond to requests to retest, in hope that the bug is gone?

5 votes

Is refreshing multiple times a test case for web applications?

5 votes

How is test case design different for GUI & API?

5 votes

Designing an open source test framework without compromising security

5 votes

What is it called when several bugs cancel each other out?

5 votes

Regression/Automation testing for experimental(ABtest) features

5 votes

how to test mobile application which uses wifi connection?

5 votes

Does a tool for testing web applications with different bandwidths exist?

5 votes

When writing manual test cases and scripts, how much detail is too much detail when documenting the steps?

5 votes

What are some ways In which testing a mobile application is different from testing a PC application?

5 votes

Negative testing automation

4 votes

Android Studio and Appium

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