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Questions tagged [build-verification-test]

Build Verification Test (BVT): It is also known as Build Acceptance Test.

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1 answer

Running Jmeter tests in Teamcity CI/CD as automation tests

I want to add Jmeter tests as build steps in TeamCity CI Deployment server. If tests fail, build will not complete. Please advise in details. I am currently using Jmeter for testing a Rest API ...
QA-Tester's user avatar
0 votes
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Load testing on CI/CD Teamcity with Jmeter

I want to add Jmeter tests as build steps in TeamCity server. If tests fail, a build will not complete. Please share how to do it. I am currently using Jmeter for testing a Rest API running different ...
QA-Tester's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What should I do when receiving testing modules depended module is not completed from developer side

You are getting a build for testing with three modules, but the second module is in the development phase. So what do you do when you need to test the third module, which is dependent on the first and ...
jensi suthar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Regarding the Build job in jenkins

When I am running maven goal in Jenkins which runs soap tests which are developed using groovy, whenever there is a test failure then all the other tests are failed without any test execution from job....
SHASHAVALI LADDU's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

When to mark a build as failed?

Currently, we do a lot of things when there is a application build job triggered (the trigger can be manual, or there is a commit to the develop/trunk branch, or there is a Pull Request created or ...
alecxe's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Selenium tests as a part of a build stage in a continuous integration pipeline

There is a statement from microsoft documentation about Selenium testing in a continuous integration pipeline: To include the Selenium test as part of a build, the source code must be in version ...
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Integration Testing requires consecutive builds?

If I have several code-level integration tests, and my integration strategy is to integrate the components in a bottom-up manner, should I perform a build for each integration level of the modules? Or ...
user7253's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Comparing the term "Build Verification Testing" with "System Testing"

I have a question about the term "Build Verification Testing". In the context of QA, when we run test automation, we aren't "building" anything. We are compiling and running tests against a module, ...
djangofan's user avatar
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