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Laura Hensley's user avatar
Laura Hensley's user avatar
Laura Hensley
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Fort Worth, TX
18 votes

1.5 Million lines of code. 0 tests. Where should we start?

14 votes

What are the key properties of a great QA team member?

10 votes

Testing an application under continuous development

7 votes

How to deal with testers who do more than test

6 votes

When writing manual test cases and scripts, how much detail is too much detail when documenting the steps?

6 votes

Can someone be a good automated tester and be terrible programmer?

4 votes

Moving to software QA from a non-IT QA role

4 votes

Blogs to follow to further learning

4 votes

What factors should affect the ratio of QA/Test staff vs. App Developers

4 votes

QA Methodology: Do you retest every change on a new build or only changed code?

3 votes

What do you need to be a great QA Analyst?

3 votes

Business analysts commonly do testing work, should testers be involved in analysis work?

3 votes

What kind of testing should a developer do before passing a build to the QA team?

3 votes

Does writing "Given" "When" "Then" BDD style test cases scale up to larger, end-to-end scenarios

2 votes

UAT involvement

2 votes

How to organize test documentation?

2 votes

Test management product recommendation

2 votes

When writing automation, is programming required? If so, at what level?

2 votes

Scope of regression testing

2 votes

Issue Tracking Spreadsheet... anything wrong with this?

2 votes

In what phase or stage of the project should QA testing start?

1 vote

Looking for an excellent example of using a spreadsheet for test case management

1 vote

What developer skills would translate well into doing QA?

1 vote

Should tool generated test data be deleted during tear down in test automation?

1 vote

What to test after code change in a single module?

1 vote

Are special characters in names commonplace enough to test for?

1 vote

How can I install the package in TestComplete?

1 vote

Will doing only Manual testing affect my QA career in the long run?

0 votes

Should I report bugs during Proof of Concept stage?

0 votes

What is a good mobile application testing training plan?