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Can not sendKey to hidden element

I'm practicing to interact with element (nopCommerce domain). But encountered some problems, when trying to perform sendKey to an invisible element. This is an input field of product tags, which ...
Jimma's user avatar
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2 answers

Xpath problem- cant locate the class

@When("I click on sign in again") public void i_click_on_sign_in_again() { WebElement signin1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@class='uitk-button uitk-button-medium uitk-...
user53729's user avatar
2 votes
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Scrollbar value returns false even though it is present

I have a pop up which enables a scroll bar depending on the element count it contains. Right now there are more than two elements and scroll bar is present. Below is my html view of the pop up. <...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python + VS Code: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ' ' occur

Facing issue with error : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'selenium' Basically, Error is not specific to module 'selenium'. Facing this issue in VS Code even when, I have selenium installed for ...
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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Properly manage regression testing as an interface between different testing teams

Baseline: We work in a Safe-Scrum environment with a large number of different teams, and here also correspondingly different test teams. We have different test cases from different teams, which are ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Unable to scroll into view of an element in iOS with Appium & Webdriverio

i'm trying to scroll into an element but the the current code scrolls all the way to the bottom of the page, i have inserted the element name within the code but it doesn't seem to work. const ...
Sources's user avatar
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How can I format the current date and time and then use them in a variable in GoTest?

I use the keyword... get date But I have a date with the format like this Sun May 11,2014 9:60 p.m. I need to convert it in to this format 2014. I tried to put this
michel.belanger's user avatar
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Selenium : webdriver.Chorme() function problems

I have difficulties in finding a solution, can you help me? This is the code text: from selenium import webdriver web = webdriver.Chrome("C:\ Users\giova\Desktop\chromedriver.exe") web.get(&...
Mr.Layton's user avatar
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How to get specific data in a div with Selenium?

Let's say this website has frequently changed data (stores). I am also only interested in certain stores from my list. How do I get all the data of the first store from the top and from my list? I was ...
Synthezx's user avatar
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Selenium Webdriver : Trying to get text, but specific class present

Kindly find attached the html code of the section in question I use the following code and managed to get the text for Status successMessage = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@class='status-...
Tester_at_work's user avatar
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Cannot invoke "org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By)" because "this.searchContext" is null error

I am trying to verify a functionality as a guest user and logged in user. In order to do that I log out form the system and verify the guest user actions then login again and verify logged in user ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
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Element is not clicked even after explicit wait

I am trying to verify default selected value of a dropdown. <div class="p-3 p-md-4 mt-4 mt-md-4 card"><div class="row"><div class="d-flex align-items-center col-...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
2 votes
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Verifying scrollbar is present script fails

I'm trying to check whether a scrollbar is present when there are more than 2 elements in a pop up. Here is the HTML code for the div which enables the scroll bar if when there are more than 2 ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Difference between Test Coverage AND code coverage?

My team asked me to measure the Test coverage percentage via a tool i choose ( how many tests from the app features are covered by automated testing ) , so i added the gitlab coverage badge and now i ...
USER_1234's user avatar
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Understanding identified prime paths in the prime path coverage example given

I'm trying to understand this example in paper Code coverage and test automation. Please refer to the figure. Why is (n3, n4, n1, n3) a prime path, while (n3, n4, n1, n2) is not?
ragnacode's user avatar
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Button click was not performed even though element was found

I'm trying to click below button. <button class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiButton-root jss47 jss58 MuiButton-contained jss48 jss59 MuiButton-containedPrimary MuiButton-disableElevation" ...
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Looking for Javascript coding challenge Websites. Can you guys help?

I really need to improve my JS coding (currently learning ES6) as it would be great for my automation Testing. I would like to take a daily coding challenge (min 30 days) but I'm having difficulty ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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Fixed storage paths for Selenium screenshots or logs possible?

Details: Currently I use Python 3.10 and Selenium. I used here in the area of functional testing here in particular UI Testing accordingly also Selenium screenshots. But since I work on different ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Getting value from data-value (webdriver selenium / java)

I have the following HTML code <div class="mbsc-sc-whl-c" style="height:40px;margin-top:-21px;"> <div class="mbsc-sc-whl-sc" style="top: 0px; transform: ...
Tester_at_work's user avatar
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Different boolean results for same scenario - selenium java

I'm trying to verify whether profile image is present after uploading an image. Image uploads successfully. I have try to verify image with two different ways. profileImage= driver.findElement(By....
Darshani Kaushalya's user avatar
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Return always false as using isSelected() in Selenium Webdriver java

I'm trying to use isSelected() method on Amazon website. I'm trying to tick the check-box of item filter and then read the status of check-box by isSelected() but it always returns false message. ...
Bajrangi_Tj's user avatar
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How to test a huge list of domains redirect to HTTPS?

I have got a huge list of domains/URLs (about a 1000). The task is to test if each one of them, if accessed with then it redirects to All the domains that do not ...
IAmMilinPatel's user avatar
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How to set cypress to automatically detect proxy for automated executions?

I have a cypress test and its not loading the website properly. When I manually open the website using chrome, the website is working ok. Also I can find that my chrome proxy setting is set as "...
Sandeep Chandra Sekhar's user avatar
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Are there specific coding guidelines for test automation?

Details Currently we are trying to find more ways to write better code. Of course, this does not exclude our automated test cases. We are already testing in the dev environment with SonarCube and ...
Mornon's user avatar
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can we test GUI and a network protocol (SNMP) using selenium?

I have to test a website using Selenium. This website is a graphical user interface for controlling a device and to shows data from that device. This device is using SNMP which is used to give an ...
anas's user avatar
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Automating test for VoIP webapp?

Our Web App is a call center app. One of the key functions of our Web App is to make VoIP call and then do post call processings. But we can't find a tool/way to do automate testing, which involves ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
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Should I separate my API tests from E2E tests

I have a system that displays data it gets from API calls. There are multiple objects and every object has 7-8 properties. User is not allowed to change values and the system has a simple UI. I want ...
archbtw's user avatar
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Can we write a part of a test with Selenium IDE and the other part with WebDriver and combine the two into one test?

I am new to selenium and am wondering if we can combine both Selenium IDE and WebDriver and write one test. What I mean to ask is, can we use Selenium IDE for the easy tasks that we want to test and ...
anas's user avatar
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Is it possible to run automatic performance regression tests based on load and performance monitoring?

Baseline: In our team, we want to emulate certain high loads in production over and over again as a kind of load and performance regression, so to speak. Within one test stage. We use Datadog for ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Measurement of APIs load and performance within a Cucumber test case possible?

Baseline: Currently, within a Java environment and Maven integration, we use Cucumber for our API testing procedures inside Junit Test. This is also well implemented and accordingly everything works. ...
Mornon's user avatar
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How to justify the expense of automation tools?

Question: How do companies afford Tosca? How do testers and QA teams justify the expense to their managers/company? Background: The only testing software I've used is Selenium; for online app testing. ...
Fractal's user avatar
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Automation framework for testing lamda on aws

Does anyone know how to test serverless lambda on aws? Basically, to get input and output file, but not with lambda console. So for architecture it is SQS from aws sending messages on lambda, and ...
Gaj Julije's user avatar
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Not able to select value from drop down menu I was trying to automate the drop down country menu on this page but am unable to select any value from the drop down. Eclipse is throwing the ...
Jerry's user avatar
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5 answers

How to push people to use automatic tests?

I am a test automation engineer. My main work is to automate UI tests for projects. My tests are suppose to be launch after every release in "qualification", "pre production" and &...
BelovedFool's user avatar
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How do i get rid of duplicated local variables

I have a multiple drop-downs and need to automate them. I added the code below, how do I add them in one step? or make it easier or how do I add them in one function? I'm using eclipse and TestNG ...
user52764's user avatar
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Not able to see web element when I navigate to page using Automation

I have a web page which displays a new contact creation button. When I try to navigate to a page through automation, I can not see that button. When I login to site manually and navigate to same page, ...
SSPatil's user avatar
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Exhaustive Resources on Concrete, Advanced test automation practices

Answer posted at the end of this post Disclaimer This topic might violate the general rule about how to ask questions. But I'm very sure its answers will add great value and hope the question will ...
DarkTrick's user avatar
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Estimation time for sub tasks [closed]

I need to know how to estimate the time needed to complete a QC subtasks in user stories. I’ve read many articles regarding the estimation of time but they were no help in applying them in real life, ...
Saaa's user avatar
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Selenium + Java: Unable to close Advertisement in webpage

Issue I am facing: After this step: driver.findElement(By.linkText("New Customer")).click(); an advertisement window opens and script stops here. I'm unable to close the advertisement and ...
chinmay k's user avatar
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What application types are supported by winappdriver

I have application which has extension as .msc, I tried it with python I also ran winappdriver before executing this script. I have seen demo codes on some blogs which uses .exe file extension for the ...
Dev's user avatar
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One Tests or Multiple Separate Test Automation BDD

How the system works (UI) Registration Form > Redirect to Another Page with Products (based on the submitted in the registration form) (backend) API will check the validity > Valid or not it ...
wizaiz's user avatar
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How to automatically test mobile device and desktop website connections?

We know that Appium can be used to test mobile device applications. We know that Selenium can be used to test PC desktop websites. We want to know how to test the connections between mobile apps and ...
Zhang Buzz's user avatar
2 votes
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Gherkin: When is appropriate to use the 'background'?

My colleague and I are having a debate about when its appropriate to use the 'background' keyword. the test scenario is to confirm that the correct country codes appear when you enter a telephone ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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How to share responsibility for pipeline tests across multiple teams

We have three teams working on the same product. Each follows the same sprint cadence but has their own scrum meetings. Recently the API testing has shifted to developers mostly, including maintenance....
FDM's user avatar
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Test automation within a waterfall project. What to consider?

Details: In my new project I am to set up an automation, waterfall based project for a client. Since I have completed test automation exclusively within Agile projects so far, and in Waterfall rather ...
Mornon's user avatar
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I want to select a checkbox, how to obtain a xpath for the picture below anyone?

Please help me with the xpath for the above picture to select a checkbox?
user52444's user avatar
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Test Strategy Documentation for test automation

What are the main points that should be included in a test strategy test automation document for a particular project? I'm not looking at details but more of a high level overview. I've found that ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Cypress - Identify when page is fully loaded

I am new to Cypress, but wanted to capture the time from visiting a page, up until the page is fully rendered and available to use. I understand I can use the Window: load event to identify when the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is it must to learn RPA tools apart from web automation tools like Selenium?

I see many testers learning RPA tools like UI Path etc apart from Selenium, UFT etc. Is it necessary for a Test Automation engineer to learn about process Automation tools? Or is just Automation of ...
Raj2304's user avatar
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Is software unit testing with tools considered manual or automated?

I'm quite new to software testing. I was studying about it and I've read testing can be either manual or automated. So is unit testing with tools (e.g. unittest or pytest in python) considered manual ...
Ssaf's user avatar
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