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2 votes

Are there any test data repositories regarding diacritics in text strings?

The Big List of Naughty Strings is another good one - it's not just diacritics, but a whole lot of different unicode strings and a bunch of other strings that are known to cause problems in different ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any test data repositories regarding diacritics in text strings?

A list of data for testing diacritics can be found at
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

Invalid xml data generator

Maybe you could modify your schema (many times, you may want to automate this), then generate bad data from the bad schema, and validate the bad data against the good schema to see if the data's bad. ...
John Carlson's user avatar
1 vote

How to test data retention policy and cron job for deleting old data?

Right now, the way the question reads, it sounds like the OP wants one cron job to handle the file deletion. In this scenario, you're not really testing a cron job, but ensuring the files get deleted. ...
Lee Jensen's user avatar
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How to test and ensure the quality of an Artificial Intelligence system?

Attempting to answer my own question by splitting the lifecycle of an Artificial Intelligent system to its steps and trying to see how a QA who supports a data science / machine learning team can help ...
George Pligoropoulos's user avatar
1 vote

How to test for and protect against bugs in large games where data is an integral part of the source code?

which I think might make it a lot harder to automate tests like this. You'd effectively have to test that your underlying data is correct, and for games of this scale testing all of the data at a ...
Rsf's user avatar
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Big data application testing

This will depend on a number of factors, including: time/budget, data quality policy of your organization, data quality of the source dataset, complexity of each layer, etc. A general guideline is, ...
Maira Bay's user avatar
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Real data sets testing

In this case, there are two pieces. First, there should be documentation somewhere on what the data in the state abbreviation database should look like. Worst case, it's in the code. That's what ...
Kevin McKenzie's user avatar

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