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26 votes
6 answers

How to handle dynamic changing ID's In XPath?

How to Handle Dynamic Changing IDs In XPath? for example : //div[@id='post-body-3647323225296998740']/div[1]/form[1]/input[1] In this xpath id "3647323225296998740" is changing every time when ...
Bharat Mane's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to analyse 'Element not Found' exceptions when working with Selenium

When you are writing Selenium/WebDriver automation scripts you will probably run into the exception NoSuchElementException. You think your selector is working, but somehow the element cannot be found. ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
33 votes
7 answers

What makes a good selenium locator?

When automating UI tests with Selenium, it is often not absolutely clear what method and what locator to use to locate an element. Some locators are less reliable, less readable than others. And, ...
alecxe's user avatar
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32 votes
13 answers

How to fill CAPTCHA using Test automation?

How can I automate "Enter CAPTCHA" using Selenium WebDriver?
Tom J Muthirenthi's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

How does one get started with web test automation using Selenium?

So I've been testing web based analytical software now for the past 4 years or so with mostly manual techniques. But for 2015, I've set myself the goal of getting setup and start writing automated ...
Keva161's user avatar
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82 votes
14 answers

How to download a file using Selenium's WebDriver?

Basically I want to at least check that a download-able file exists / download link works and preferably get stuff like the file size too. Here's an example: link = self.browser....
Aaron's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

How do I work with dropdowns in Selenium Webdriver?

This is a canonical question, intended to provide a comprehensive answer to many related questions. I understand the basics of working with Selenium Webdriver; I can navigate to pages, click buttons, ...
Yamikuronue's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

How can I structure Selenium tests in a way that minimizes the maintenance work?

What is the best way to build/structure the tests in a way that will minimize the work needed to keep the tests up to date as the product changes and improves?
CJ.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Unable to scroll down to bottom of div with data loading dynamically

<div id="findingTblBody" class="tablebody" infinite-scroll-distance="2" infinite-scroll="loadMoreData()" style="width: 819px;"> I want to scroll to the bottom of div mentioned above. I am ...
Pratiksha Jadhav's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to generate good locators for elements in Web pages?

This site contains many questions that are about finding the right locator expression (XPath, CSS, etc) for an object in WebPage or about troubleshooting problems related in invalid or dynamic ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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23 votes
13 answers

What is a good website to hack around using Selenium?

I want to learn Selenium, but I don't know what to code. Sure, I can throw Google some queries, I can fill out some forms, press buttons, find divs and links, etc. But I think this stuff is pretty ...
Maria Ines Parnisari's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

How to Implement Page Object and Page Factory Pattern in Selenium Webdriver?

I am a beginner in learning selenium Webdriver. I am not able to understand how page object and factory models works and how it can be beneficial? Kindly help me explain it with detailed explanation....
tech523's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Good resources/tutorials/tips for beginner doing automation?

I've just started automating all the tests our team has (~5000). I'm using Telerik Test Studio for the Silverlight automation. I have some tests written, but I'm quickly realizing that with each test ...
user1097108's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

What Are Some Examples of Why Explicitly Sleep Statements Are Bad?

I've read various places that explicit sleep statements are bad practice in automated tests, even if I've used them occasionally. They can be annoying (creating unnecessary waiting in tests) but I can'...
joshin4colours's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Is it a bad practice to use implicit wait in Selenium Webdriver? Should one use only explicit wait?

I was reading up on implicit and explicit waits and found the following two statements: Implicit wait is not considered a good practice because different browsers have different loading times and ...
LittlePanda's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Manual tester wanting to get into automation

So its been a year since I have been studying Python, and just recently I started picking up web driver. It was a long journey, and I am still a pretty noob, but I finally understand how to use it lol....
user avatar
59 votes
18 answers

What are some tools for testing Mobile web apps?

I'm thinking along the lines of a Firebug for the iPhone/iPad/Android/BB that can truly give more insight on the markup/scripts. Even when testing on the simulator/device, it's hard to truly simulate ...
48 votes
18 answers

Compare screenshots of rendered web pages

In my team, we use Selenium for automation of functional testing. We also do a lot of manual regression testing to make sure the appearance of the rendered web pages is ok. I would like to develop a ...
osjak's user avatar
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22 votes
11 answers

What are some good open source UI Testing tools for testing Windows GUI?

I need a list of some good tools which are open source and meant for automating the UI testing of Windows GUI. Any help will certainly be appreciated.
AnkitSablok's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Looking for open source, Java-based tool for performance testing

Goal: I have an enterprise application written in java to test for performance. I need to do it separately, so I will be basically simulating a user interaction over http/https. My findings: ...
Tejas's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

How do I get particular textNode value of a DOM with Selenium

Hello I am trying to find Load # detail from this site. Also You can refer screenshot too. I have tried with xpath: //div[@class='equipment_item']//text()[preceding-sibling::strong[text()='Load #:']][...
manish kumar's user avatar
36 votes
17 answers

What programming languages are good for novice testers to learn?

I'm looking for a programming language to recommend to a friend considering teaching herself software testing. I have a friend who is interested in learning software testing, and I believe strongly ...
Ethel Evans's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Screen Play vs Page Object pattern

I've recently stumbled upon Senenity/JS framework which advocates the Screen Play pattern, which was proposed as a better alternative to Page Objects. What are the key fundamental differences between ...
alecxe's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

What are anti-patterns in test automation?

anti-pattern: There must be at least two key elements present to formally distinguish an actual anti-pattern from a simple bad habit, bad practice, or bad idea: A commonly used process, ...
10 votes
11 answers

Is mail testing with selenium possible?

We have merely just had a kick off meeting for a new project that I am required to automate ASAP. The project is essentially a "mailbox project", if you will, and I have no idea as to where to start ...
Faheem's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Suggest some Android and iPhone mobile app automation tools [closed]

Please suggest me some tools for Android and iPhone app automation testing. I have searched some, like - Appium, Calabash, MonkeyTalk, Selendroid, Robotium, etc. I am confused to choose any one from ...
Ravi Ojha's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

I am about to automate the Web API testing, how to initiate

There is a web API (RESTful) which is used by our mobile applications. Untill now we were manually testing it through mobile devices. Now, as per our client requirement, we need to automate the ...
Faiz's user avatar
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34 votes
16 answers

Can every test be done by automation?

Can every test be done by automation? Or is there anything that cannot be done by automation?
YOU's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Selenium: reuse existing browser session, instead of opening new windows?

This has been asked a million times on the web, but there's no clear cut answer. I tried "-browserSessionReuse" today without any luck; my tests keep spawning new browser windows. X:\QA\Automation\...
Aaron's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How to deal with flaky tests that have intermittent failures?

Having flaky tests that sometimes fail and sometimes pass is very frustrating: there is no single reason each of the flaky tests fail the failures don't seem to happen to real users using the ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 11.4k
22 votes
7 answers

Transition from all manual testing to automated testing

Right now my company only does manual testing. We've talked about starting some automated testing for a while but it hasn't taken off at all. It seems like automated testing would be a good way to ...
Andrew Shipe's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Controlling database state in Selenium UI Testing

We have a big test suite with around 300+ tests. Nowadays we are manually restoring database and creating few Data Objects and hard coding some data to feed into the tests. However, there are a lot of ...
saifur's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How can I switch from manual testing to writing automation?

I am working hourly for low wage as a QA intern/tester. I want to learn more about this field. I have already graduated, so everything I have learned is self taught or learned somehow on the job. At ...
user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to connect Selenium to an existing browser that was opened manually in java or create semi automated tests?

I want to achieve some use cases in which: I want to perform some tasks that require manual intervention before kicking in automation execution. For instance, I need to manually launch the browser, ...
Denish Makwana's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Your suggestions for writing reliable Web UI automation

Web UI automation is unreliable. I presume it is possible to increase the reliability of Web UI tests. One such advice would be to put an abstraction layer on top of your test that does actual DOM ...
oldbam's user avatar
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7 votes
17 answers

Should I learn Python or Java to get into test automation? I am new to programming

Should I learn Python or Java to get into test automation? I'm new to programming. Please share your thoughts or links to any useful information.
pythonjava's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Speeding up end-to-end tests

When we execute the same set of end-to-end browser-automated tests on BrowserStack, we notice a dramatic slowdown - tests are much slower than if executed locally and there are occasional failures ...
alecxe's user avatar
  • 11.4k
2 votes
3 answers

How to open new tab in browser in selenium 3.0?

I have tried multiple actions but it is not working. It always close the first tab and then it open link in the same page. // Driver is launched package WebBrowserCommands; import org.openqa....
vinay's user avatar
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51 votes
12 answers

Building "slow to break" regression tests

I need to build a lot of regression tests for our product at work and I plan on using Selenium. I am concerned about building tests that will become quickly outdated and broken based on the fast pace ...
Mike Grace's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Good resources for building a QA team

Our corporation has, up until this point, largely lacked a 'quality mentality' of any kind. From no testers, they went to two testers - but 5 or 6 product teams still rely on a mix of developer and ...
Ethel Evans's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

Are your UI automated tests dependent or ordered?

While writing UI automated tests, I've come across situations where test dependency looked like a must. For example, say I have two tests, where the second is dependent on the success of the first. I ...
Tarun's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

What are the trade-offs of using page objects instead of a collection of functions in UI automation?

I've been using Selenium off and on for the past two years. Recently I've been seeing more references to page objects. (I'm referring to page objects as an means of organizing UI automation code -- ...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Implementing the Test Pyramid as QA

Recently I have begun building out Unit Testing for my dev team during down time in an attempt to implement the Test Pyramid. My Dev Managers seem rather excited about it and on-board with the idea. ...
Paul Muir's user avatar
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10 votes
8 answers

Visual Regression Testing

For testing the visual appearance of a website the use of tools like selenium (functional surface test) is not sufficient because it doesn´t check the visual appearance and/or the CSS-Code directly. ...
MRae's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

TestComplete working with a very large application loses the ability to access application internal properties

I work with automated testing of a very large Delphi XE application using TestComplete 9. The application has a 180MB executable. The automation environment is Windows XP, 32 bit. TestComplete is ...
Kate Paulk's user avatar
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7 votes
10 answers

How can Manual QA's without a programming background learn Automated Testing?

I currently work at an ad agency as a Manual QA. I originally came in to act on the business side but kind of 'fell in to' the job. I do not have a programming background but I am very interested in ...
user8172's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

QTP vs Selenium [closed]

I have largely worked with Selenium for front end automation. Looks like there is great market for QTP in this arena, especially when you could afford commercial tools. Have you worked with both ...
Tarun's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Page Object Model: How much abstraction is necessary?

So i've been working on a Page Object Model framework for a large web application for our current company. It's the first time i've made my own framework and implemented the page object model. Im ...
Mercfh's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Where to get feedback on my testing skills?

I've been testing for a number of months during development of two products. However, my organization does not have well-established testing process. We are given templates, TT tool, and told to write ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to Use Http Request/JSON extractor(using Jmeter Variable) in Jmeter with Response assertion(using Jmeter Variable)

How to Use Http request/JSON extractor(using Jmeter Variable) in Jmeter with Response assertion(using Jmeter Variable). better to provide with Example?
lak's user avatar
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