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1 vote
2 answers

NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID while recording from playwright

While I'm trying to record the web based application using Playwright tool and after launching the application getting as NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID . After recording and in the playwright tool ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to assign defined keyword as value of variable in Robot Framework? How to run a Variable as Keyword?

I'm currently using Robot Framework for creating UI automation for our project. And I would like to know how to assign defined keyword as a variable value and how to run variable as keyword?
0 votes
2 answers

Do you automate testing of the responsiveness of UI app?

I agree that responsiveness of the UI app is important and must be tested. But, do you think, we should automate responsive tests of UI using Selenium?
1 vote
2 answers

Click getting to lower item (under dropdown) instead of dropdown in Selenium

I m trying to click on the dropdown menu item and i am able to select the dropdown and the menu item but instead of clicking on item the click is going to the element right under it. Before the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do I switch reporting from allure reports to extent reports in an existing automation framework?

I have been handed an existing framework that uses allure reports for reporting purposes. I am not really liking allure reports for primarily a couple of reasons: It displays the results only after ...
0 votes
0 answers

Regarding Google Playstore Automation

I have this project where I have to automate the Play Store using Java and Appium. Problem: The problem I am facing is, that it seems like the buttons in the Play Store are changing their id's ...
0 votes
0 answers

Seeking Suggestions for Automating a Smart TV App in a CI/CD Pipeline with Broad Device Coverage

We have a client who wishes to automate their Smart TV app within a CI/CD pipeline and aims to cover as many devices as possible. Currently, I am the sole QA on this project and am exploring setup ...
-1 votes
2 answers

What tool to use for ui testing for teamcenter like windows apps?

I was trying to conduct ui testing on teamcenter and similar windows apps. I found selenium but it only works in the browser. What is the best way to test the UI for an app which we do not have the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it recommended to use Page object model for cypress E2E test? if not what is the suggested method to adopt

I am new for writing e2e UI test using cypress. But I am uncertain if it's good practice to use page object model, when I repeatedly need to use same elements in different test cases. Does "Aap ...
1 vote
3 answers

Selenium Test cases for UI look

I have a test case, where I need to verify: a user selects any of the options. the text is not going out of the layout and displays complete readability to the user. As a result, the UI look and ...
2 votes
2 answers

Automated testing framework that can switch to an open desktop application

I have a desktop app I am testing that is launched through an API (using JavaScript). I am able to launch the app by making a few API calls, but I need something that can shift the context to the open ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it must to learn RPA tools apart from web automation tools like Selenium?

I see many testers learning RPA tools like UI Path etc apart from Selenium, UFT etc. Is it necessary for a Test Automation engineer to learn about process Automation tools? Or is just Automation of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Not able to see web element when I navigate to page using Automation

I have a web page which displays a new contact creation button. When I try to navigate to a page through automation, I can not see that button. When I login to site manually and navigate to same page, ...
7 votes
6 answers

Appium: How to find installed app's package name and its main Activity in Appium?

For mobile application automation I am using appium and in that following things are mandatory: WebDriver wd; File app=new File("Path\\to\\WhatsApp.apk"); DesiredCapabilities dc=new ...
2 votes
2 answers

Passing the UI data from one test to another

I work with Playwright, Mocha and Chai. In the application that I am currently testing I need to automate the following scenario. When a user logs into the application a dashboard with assigned list ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is the best way/tool to share automated tests with non-technical stakeholders?

I've been tasked with finding a tool/solution to present our automated python test cases to other stakeholders in the business (I won't write actual python for time-saving purposes). Our tests are ...
8 votes
2 answers

How to interact with the radio button if isDisplayed, isEnables are false

Scenario: I am automating a feature where I need to click on the radio button but after many attempts, it didn't work. So I checked with isDisplayed, isEnabled and isSelected. Upon execution it was ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to download files in folder other then the download folder using Protractor?

Using the following configuration, files are always saved in the download folder instead of the folder set for default_directory. 'capabilities': { 'browserName': 'chrome', 'chromeOptions': { ...
2 votes
9 answers

Tools for automating UI testing for web

Recently I got a task to find a tool that can be used to test web UI. I found Selenium IDE and also used to it. But the problem is that I have to test on Chrome and IE as well. I tried Selenium ...
2 votes
1 answer

App Elements not rendering/inspect in IOS using appium and Xcui Automation testing

Currently working in a automation project. Element tag was not rendered. though i check some random element, I'm getting the message of element is not intractable. But in Ipad I can see the input text ...
0 votes
3 answers

Assertion on static value or calculated one

This may be more of a theoretical question than a practical one, but I'd like to know the community's opinion. Some context: On some integration UI test, in which we are testing that a field ...
1 vote
1 answer

Sikuli verification/assertion text image

It is possible to verify the text in image using sikuil plugin with java running on eclipse? I'm testing a scenario where i double click on a saved notepad, i should able to verify that the notepad ...
5 votes
4 answers

What to ask programmers before automating with Selenium

What points should I discuss with frontend programmers when preparing a product on which, as a tester, I will use Selenium to automate? I am referring to things like no dynamic ids for elements etc. ...
19 votes
4 answers

Moving from Selenium to Protractor

I have been using Selenium/Java/Maven for functional automation testing in my project. But since angular is getting a lot of popularity, the development team has started using it for the development ...
0 votes
2 answers

Need Some Help in implementing a logic for automating a web element using Selenium

Here is the html I am working on, the concept is to loop through the table and fetch all the td values. And based on the first td value, fetch the second td with tag strong inside the td tag e.g: I ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to automate tests on an embedded WebKit browser on Mac OS X?

Is it possible to automate the tests on a WebKit/WebView browser that is embedded in a Mac OS X desktop application, preferably using Selenium or some Mac-based tool like AppleScript or ...
1 vote
0 answers

Specflow CodedUI Generator Plugin not generating feature files

Okay. So here is where I am at. I am using Specflow 2.2.0 to pair automated unit testing with our CodedUI testing effort. I am developing a plugin to add the CodedUI Test attribute to the Specflow ...
0 votes
1 answer

Using both espresso and uiautomator and test is failing on Firebase, but not on AS emulator

I have the following piece of code which is: click a toggle from Firefox app the toggle opens the Default apps menu from System settings I open the browser list, pick my browser and return to the ...
15 votes
4 answers

Test strategy to bring automated tests from UI to lower(API/Unit) layers?

Background/Problem Statement: Recently I came across a project team, which is having thousands of UI automated tests covering all kind of manual tests including positive, negative etc., and obviously ...
1 vote
1 answer

Installation automation

I would like to test software installation(on windows) after each release. Since installer doesn't support silent mode i wonder if there is one good aproach that can minimize list of used tools and ...
8 votes
5 answers

What are the tools that we can use to automate, before completion of the development?

I'm kind of new to software automation and I'm doing UI automation by using selenium webdriver. I have heard that there are some tools, that can automate a system before we get the UI of the system ...
0 votes
1 answer

Tableau UI automation

Selenium does not recognize webelements of Tableau. Is there any tool which is successful for UI automation of Tableau ?
-2 votes
1 answer

Automation Testing using selenium webDriver on a javaScript based application

I am having a JavaScript-based application to automate using Selenium WebDriver. Can I automate a Javascript based application using Java with Selenium WebDriver OR do I have to use protractor (...
0 votes
1 answer

Odd behavior noticed during UI tests with Selenium

I want to ask you about the odd behavior I noticed when running multiple tests, using Visual studio, Selenium web-driver and Chrome browser. I have all the tests written as follows: sign in to the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Having trouble automating Android testing with Appium

I'm trying to automate Android testing using Appium. What I want to do is like: My Test Suite: Test case 1: Starting from Activity A Do something Test case 2: Starting from Activity A Do something ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to call one custom keyword function from another Custom keywords from katalon Automation Tool?

I am trying to call method from one custom keywords to another Custom keywords functions But I am getting below error, 05-30-2018 02:59:02 PM - [START] - Start action : ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to split a variable in Selenium IDE?

I am quite new to Selenium IDE. I want to split an error message and extract the first word of the error message. I have used the following commands as in the image. Following are the results of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Automated UI Testing Tools for UWP Win10 Touchscreen Tablet Mobile Apps

What are some tools for Automated UI Testing of a UWP Windows 10 Touchscreen Tablet App? I would prefer a tool that allows emulation, records steps, writes the code, outputs errors in notepad, and ...
2 votes
3 answers

Automation tool for Angularjs and HTML5 desktop application in Electron

we have a desktop application that is developed using Angular js and HTML5 over atom framework (Electron). I have used UFT 12.53 and Test complete 12.31 and unable to identify object properties. These ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to test mobile browser link directed from app in Appium?

In a test written in Appium, I have a scenario where clicking on android button redirects to the website. I want to check whether the site URL is valid or not. How is it possible to test the link?
4 votes
3 answers

How to provide more value from test automation to Dev/entire team?

Working primarily as UI test automation engineer, what further steps one should take to be more valuable & useful to the Dev team. How one take automation to a level where it becomes an handy ...
2 votes
3 answers

Which approach should be applied when automating stories? What are the approaches or methodologies for it?

Here is what approach means to me while automating any story Normal approach should we automate only functional flow not caring about the UI things like font of text, font type of text, color of ...
0 votes
2 answers

How should I design test automation project by including UI testing, DB testing and API testing components?

We are planning on revamp for an old system. Also previously we haven't done any test automation tasks too. So my plan is to start the automation project earlier for the existing system and give a ...
3 votes
1 answer

UI automation to automate logging in to remote machine

I am trying to automate typing Win + R, and entering mstsc. This should open a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) window. In the RDP window, I have to enter a host name. All these should be done using UI ...
2 votes
2 answers

How can we automate the fields if there are multiple data components are present on UI and we need find inside elements

I am new to selenium. following are some info. Can someone guide me to create xpath and this is the approach we are using to maintain the UI elements unique, so for this code, will selenium help to ...
2 votes
3 answers

Make code to wait before executing click() command

I have a Java code that populates all the text fields automatically. Before executing click() command for Submit button, I need to enter the Captcha manually. So I would like to make the code to wait ...
1 vote
4 answers

How do you initially script/debug the long automated end to end UI tests?

Background: In the long end to end UI automated tests, one needs to execute multiple times during initial scripting/debugging and later for maintenance/fixing which takes a lot of time as a test might ...
6 votes
4 answers

Is it a good/industry practice to create both UI and API testing projects in one project?

I'm planning on creating a project to begin test automation for software. For this task, I'm considering the following things: UI level testing (with Page Object Model) API testing ...
2 votes
4 answers

How to fetch the text values from the dd tag using selenium

I am automating one Project in my organization and came across one issue. I am very new to automation and selenium. Issue that i am facing: not able to capture the text inside the dd tag in the html ...
3 votes
2 answers

Automation Testing Tool Options for Desktop Applications

I'm in the process of researching solutions for desk application testing for a product my company developed. There's no API, so I'm looking for other software solutions. I didn't see any recent ...